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5. bloody

Another boring weekend came.

You had finished up all the remaining house chores today. And yes; you are a responsible adult. Elizabeth had made sure that you were doing your chores regularly by doing surprise visits. She was strict when it came to responsibility, and her ass-whooping was something that you never, ever wanted to experience. You swear—Elizabeth had the guts of an Asian mom.

Anyhow, the chores only took a quarter of your time and were finished quickly than you had expected, leaving you with nothing else to do today.

Plopping on your velvet couch, you grabbed the nearest object you could find on the coffee table across you, which was a TV remote. Antonio leapt on the spot next to you and stretched his flabby body.

"Hey buddy," you cooed, hand running through the tabby's soft coat as you pet him gently. Antonio decided not to be an ass and nuzzled against your hand, letting out soft purrs.

Your finger pressed on the switch button on the remote, and the large TV in front of you lit up.  Immediately, the voice of a news reporter filled the quiet living room, her mouth like an armalite of words.

"Meaaaooow." Your feline friend meowed, reaching his paws near your face, claws unsheathed and all. Was he asking for food again?

"Shut up you greedy twat. I already fed you this morning," a groan escaped from your lips. The cat didn't relent and kept on trying to claw your face off, his meows getting more and more angrier as you refused his plead for food. Sometimes you'd think that this cat had once been human in his past life; the way he communicates to you was so humane.

"Antonio! You little puta! Stop that—" A loud crash from who-knows-where interrupted you. Antonio got spooked and jumped off of you and ran as fast as he could to a safe nook he could hide in.

"What in the name of Jesus was that?"

You stood up, attempting to search for whatever caused that loud noise. You peeked in the kitchen— a good place to start searching.


You jumped, and a small squeak escaped from your mouth. What the fuck?!

"Daft Punk, finish him off!" A familiar voice came, followed by a pained scream of what seemed to be a man rang in your ears. The noise seemed to come from outside, not far from your house.

"Jesus Christ, is this some kind of Pokemon battle?"

Only the voices from the open TV filled the air, as you waited for more of those weird noises to come.

Minutes passed and there were no more of those strange screams or noises. You wended through the kitchen, and peered out of one of the windows, where a dumpster was conveniently placed outside. There wasn't anything insteresting in a dumpster, but you did catch a glimpse of a tiny bit of those familiar red blotches littered on the dirty pavement. You hoped those were just your imagination.

A few loud knocks from the front door made you jump in surprise. Jeez, why the hell were you so antsy today?

You made your way to the front door, ready to face whoever was behind that barrier. You assumed it was just Eli or maybe one of your friends.

"Hey—" Your words halt immediately upon seeing the sight in front of you.

It was Mari, but her head was bleeding. You couldn't imagine the amount of blood on her— heck her face was practically covered in it!

"Hiya, (Y/n)," She squeaked, with her usual friendly tone. She spoke so casually, despite having her features covered in blood. You didn't know whose blood it was, and you sure hoped it wasn't hers.

𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰 :: ᵍⁱᵒʳⁿᵒ ᵍⁱᵒᵛᵃⁿⁿᵃ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now