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"Cause I got you sprung off in the spring time, fuck all your free time you don't need no me time that's you and me time." P*$$Y Fairy (OTW) was playing in the background. We were high as fuck watching blue and green lights moving in the sky. We finished the snacks a long time ago. I started mouthing the lyrics to the song. This song makes me want to fuck my nigga on a jet, if I had a nigga ......and a jet. People really out here thinking I'm Soooo innocent because I'm quite, ha nice. It was 3 A.M and I was hungry as fuck. I jumped off the couch feeling a boost of energy in my body. Ki groggily sat up wondering why I was so energetic. "I'm hungry." I said rubbing my stomach. "Me too, but there isn't any more food and I'm broke kid."he said throwing empty snack bags away. "And I don't give a fuck I'm still hungry and I need to be feed ASAP no rocky." I replied giving him a stank face. " ight so how are we gonna get food."he asked looking at me. "Hum." I said pondering. "Let's rob that store." I answered smiling. "The 99 cent  store?"he asked lifting an eyebrow up. "Yep easy shit."I said happily. "Too easy.....ight, lets go."he said getting up pulling on his black hoodie. We climbed down the ladder hitting the wet grass at the bottom. The 99 cent store was two blocks away and my stomach was doing flips. I could practically taste all the snacks we were about to take, I couldn't wait.

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