Obelisk force raid

407 8 2

Yugo- 2000 LP

Rin- 4000 LP

Sora- 4000 LP

"Alright first i summon speedroid parasite sword!" Yugo yelled summoning her monster

"I already know what ur doing next ur going to add polymerzation to ur hand then banish it along with two parasite monsters in ur hand to fusion summon speedroid parasite helopad i know ur deck well yugo" sora said looking at her

'How'd he know my deck strategy?! 'She thought to herself

"Sis don't worry just summon a monster he doesn't know u have i may not know ur deck but u never went down without a challenge" rin said looking at his sis

'Nii-san is right i never back down'she thought looking at her deck "alright then i activate speedroid parasite swords effect!" She yelled

"I knew it" sora said smiling

"Ur wrong I'm simply banishing it to fusion summon another monster from my extra deck!" She said as her monster disappeared "now i fusion summon speedroid parasite swords woman!" She yelled

Speedroid parasite swords woman- 0 ATK

"U summoned a monster with no attack?!" Sora said confused as rin looked at his sis

"Not true since i banished speedroid parasite sword to fusion summon her she can't be destroyed in battle and if u attack her she gains attack points equal to the attacking monster"

"What?!" Sora said

"Nice one sis!" He said looking at her smiling

"I set one card face down and end my turn" yugo said as a card appeared then disappeared

"U are making a mistake yugo" sora said angry

Standard dimension

Yuzu- 4000 LP

Mystery duelist- 4000 LP

Yuzu looked at his cards then the monster and drew a card looking at and his eyes widen

"It's sis Dragon" he said holding it

"Hurry with ur turn" the mystery duelist said looking at him

"With pleasure first i set the pendulum scale with stargazer magician and timegazer magician" he yelled setting the cards on each end

"A pendulum summon eh" the mystery duelist saif smirking

Suddenly yuyas bracelet glowed bright and she looked at it confused as it glowed bright

"What's going on?" She said looking at her bracelet

"Alright i pendulum summon odd eyes pendulum Dragon!" He yelled as his monster appeared roaring

Odd-eyes pendulum Dragon- 2500 ATK

Then yuyas bracelet glowed brighter than ever and she appeared next to her brother and she looked around

"Sis!" He said shocked

"N-nii-san?" She said looking at him

"What a touching reunion but were dueling!" The mystery duelist yelled

"Sis I'm glad ur oki" he said walking to her and hugging her

"N-nii-san let go" she said trying to get out his grip

"No i lost u once i wont lose u again sis i was worried sick about u" he said holding her closer

"U-u were worried" she said softly

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