The Move

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A girl called Kayla who is 19 has just moved into her own apartment with her boyfriend Jesse, Kayla was very dedicated to her university as you wanted to be a doctor when she finished uni. Jesse on the other hand was a total idiot, he was always out drinking and when he came home from a night out he would always push Kayla around, Kayla really does want to break up with Jesse but anytime she tries to he.. Well we will get into that a bit later, lets begin!

Kayla was unpacking all of the boxes of things that had to go into their bedroom and Jesse was just sitting on the sofa on his phone when he shouted "K what is up with the signal in this place it is shit!" Kayla rolled her eyes and walked into the living room to get another box of stuff to unpack and said "Can you please just come and help me unpack there are only a few boxes left then we can sit down and I will order us something to eat." Jesse looked at Kayla and said "Fine if I must..." Kayla smiled as Jesse got up from the sofa and lifted a box to the bedroom and they started to unpack.

About 45minutes later they had finished unpacking everything and Kayla was really starting to feel at home she smiled at Jesse while they ate their food and said "Jesse I am really happy that we are living together now, we finally have this place all to ourselves!" Jesse looked up at Kayla and said "Yea, and do you know what, we should go out for a few drinks to celebrate." Kayla said "Jesse you know how I feel about you drinking, I think we should just stay here and watch a movie or something." Jesse laughed and said "Are you serious you sound like my mum! You need to let go a bit and see where things take you, stop being so boring all of the time." Kayla looked up at Jesse and said "Fine one drink then we are coming home, okay?" Jesse smiled and said "Okay let's go get ready." They both got up form the table and Jesse went into the bedroom to get dressed and Kayla went into the bathroom to do her makeup and her hair. About 30 minutes later Jesse said "K are you almost ready? Your taking ages." She walked out of the bedroom in a tight red dress her blonde hair curled and in a high pony tail and some black heels, Jesse turned around and said "Wow babe you look amazing!" She blushed and said "Let's go." They both got up and got into the car and headed to the bar, they got in and it was packed it was a Saturday night after all, Jesse and Kayla were sat at the bar and Jesse was already 5 shots in and Kayla hadn't even finished one glass of pink gin, she said "Jesse let's go you are drunk!" He turned to look at her and rolled his eyes and said "Fine call a taxi" Kayla said "I already have Jesse I told you this 20minutes ago it's outside waiting." Jesse got up and tried to hold Kayla's hand she pulled her hand away and said "Jesse get in the taxi now let's go home!" He got into the tax and the whole way home he kept on rubbing Kayla's thigh getting further and further up her leg. When they got into the house Kayla told Jesse to go to bed she went into the bathroom to get her pyjamas on and take her makeup off and then she went into the kitchen to clean up the dished from dinner when Jesse came into the kitchen and and stood behind Kayla while she did the dishes and he started kissing her neck she tried to dodge one of his neck kissed and Jesse said "What is wrong with you!" He spun her around and slammed her back against the counter she screamed out in pain Jesse shouted "What the hell is wrong with you!" Kayla said "What the hell is wrong with me! Nothing is wrong with me, you are drunk that's the problem that why I never want to come out with you!" He backed off and said "Sorry babe. Your just so gorgeous..." He smirked he said "Please come to bed with me baby." Kayla knew what he was trying to do but she wasn't going to let it happen again. She and Jesse went to bed and Jesse got on top of Kayla and started kissing her neck and rubbing his hand up her thigh again she shouted "Get off me Jesse! You always try to have sex when you are drunk so just fucking stop it!" He started violently kissing her and kept on biting her lips so hard that she would let out a squeal every time he would do it then he got back onto his side of the bed and Kayla said to herself "Thank god." Jesse got back onto of Kayla this time he didn't have any pants on he said "See in knew you wanted me you always do." He smiled and slowly took down Kayla's pants and he said you ready she said "No Jesse please stop don't" He said "It's okay babe I'm sorry I turned you on to much your to horny that is all once we start you aren't going to want to stop!" He laughed and Kayla...TO BE CONTINUED

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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