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His black hair swinging around as he ran across the field, few strands stuck to his forehead due to his sweat, his eyes turning to small beautiful crescents whenever he smiled, and his plump lips formed into a pout when he failed to score for his team.

It was another day of Jungkook sitting in the school outdoor basketball court sketching Jimin's face. It became a habit for him to sit here and sketch those features that he came to admire, he was so focused on his face, afraid to miss a detail if he looked away, it was not enough, but he couldn't complain so he stuck to admiring his beauty as he observed him from afar.

The boy really wanted to get close and study Jimin facial features, but to him, the boy is hard to reach, he would never notice someone like him, well at least that what he thinks, that is also why he never made a move to talk to the boy, afraid of rejection. He spends his time admiring his beauty in secret because of his fear.

The break ended so the boy started packing his stuff before he heads to class, what makes everything even better for Jungkook is that the two boys are in the same class, even if he doesn't know Jungkook exists. Jungkook doesn't mind, in the end it was his choice to remain hidden, alone.

Jungkook has one best friend who is surprisingly popular compared to him, the two may seem the opposite in others eyes but no one really knows that Jungkook was different in the past, he used to care about his looks, his clothes. Now he just let his hair grow out, hardly dress up, at least not for school.

He started wearing glasses trying to fit in the character he had in his mind, even if he had a good body built, it just to keep himself in shape and stay healthy. After he distanced himself from others he remained focused on his art, it was his type of escape, he would lock himself at home and play music as he draws.

After his incident he distanced himself from everyone, and because he kept on drawing his room was crowded with art supplies which lead his mother to give him another room just for his art supplies, a place where he could use to entertain himself when he stays at home, which apparently is all the time he is not in school.

He have a older brother and a sister who always complains about him having two rooms in the house, their playroom suddenly turned to Jungkook's art room because of his condition, even though they always ask their mother to get the room back she would just turn them down having Jungkook as her priority.

Jungkook sat on his chair, pulling his desk closer to him before he got his sketchbook ready, knowing himself, he will end up sketching out Jimin on his notes so it's better if he just does it on his sketchbook. The lecture may be important but he would never waste a chance to draw Jimin when he is close to him.

Studies could always wait until he is back at home. He has been like this for a while so he got used to studying by himself at home. He is one of the top students because of his good grades so missing a lecture once in a while didn't matter to him. He smiled as he looked at Jimin, the boy sat on his chair on the 4th line while he sat two lines away from him.

Even if he would love sitting closer, he appreciates the distance because it gives him more freedom to observe the boy. He may seem like a creep and maybe even a stalker because of his obsession with Jimin, but he doesn't really follow him around, he likes to sit in the court and once in a while Jimin and his friends would play there, and that is why he just takes any opportunity he gets.

The lecture started which led all the students to stop talking, all their attention on the teacher. It was his cue to start drawing Jimin who seemed to be focused on whatever the teacher was explaining. The boy was used to drawing Jimin that he now knows his facial features by heart.

He never failed to add a minor detail to his drawing, from his freckles to the difference between his eyes, one of his eyes were swollen slightly. He was working on his third hard sketch when the bell rang, a frown took over his lips when he realized it was time to change classroom, which also meant a classroom he didn't share with the boy.

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