Part Two: Dec 24, Noon

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        The Paynes were littered around the tiny hospital room that Bethany has been cooped up in for six months now. The cancer consumed her body. Never in a million years had her friends, family, or classmates thought that bright, bubbly, modest, sweet Beth would be terminal. Like, ever. At the young age of seventeen, Bethany Rose Payne, is dying. 

         All she felt anymore was pain, pain and love. Although, in reality, how different are they, really? To quote The Fault in Our Stars (Augustus Waters), by John Green, "That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt.". And to be real, the love she felt for her sisters, Nicola and Ruth, her parents, Geoff and Karen, her brother, Liam, her best friend, Maci Woods, and her boyfriend, Casey Flatts, was beginning to be outweighed by the aching, constant pain in her body. The pain is demanding to be felt more and more every day. 

        Finally, on Christmas Eve, Bethany is quite literally, on her death bed. Her skin complexion has faded. Her face resembles that of a ghost. The beeping of machines fill the empty space, full of silence. The IV drip is the only thing close to a voice in the desolate, whire room. The oldest of the children is hooked up to so many machines that you would think that she's charging and, at any minute, will spring up, fully energetic and happy. But, alas, no. At noon on a this snowy holiday, everyone knows that Beth is most likely not going to see morning. 

        But, even though the rest of his family is asleep, his parents nestled together under one blanket on a set of chairs, his two healthy sisters snuggling together underneath of a fluffy quilt brought form home on top of a hospital cot, and his oldest sister breathing through a tube on the bed, Liam is awake. 

        The young boy examines Bethany, the girl who has always cared for him, who has always taken care of him when their parents are away. Although he knows little about his sister's condition, he knows that she's very sick. He sits, remembering and staring, staring and remembering, until she stirrs. 

        His young mind fears that she felt his stares and they are what woke her, but no. Bethany is just no longer tired. 

        "Hey, Liam." Bethany mumbles, her eyes landing on her awake brother. 

        "Hey, Bethy." Liam slowly and quietly makes his way over to her bed, so as not to distrub the rest of the family. 

        Bethany adjusts the bed so that it's in a sitting position. Once Liam makes it to her side, he is unsure of whether or not it's okay to jump up and sit next to her. She simply giggles and pats the bed next to her. There's plenty of space for the small boy. 

        As soon as he's comfortable, all snuggled into his big sister, she begins to sing. Even though he didn't show it, he was worked up. Singing is what always calmed him down. 

        "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas. Just like the ones I used to know. Where the treetops glisten and children listen," She pinches Liam's cheek. By this time, her light singing has woken her sisters. "To hear sleigh bells in the snow. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas. With every Christmas card I write. May your days be merry and bright. And may all your Christmases be white." By the time that part ends, the family is crowded around the bed. Liam joins in for the final verse. 

"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas. With every Christmas card I write. May your days be merry and bright. And may all your Christmases be white.

The small family applauds the two talented singers. 

In an instant, a light bulb pops up over Beth's head. She knows she only has so long until she's done. 

"You know what we should do?" She asks excitedly.

"What's that?" Asks her mother fondly.

"Well, I thought. There are a lot of kids here who don't have their families here. We should go caroling. And then, if mom and dad let us, we should open our Christmas presents." Karen almost tears up at the thought of her baby girl going so soon, but is incredibly happy that she thought to include the rest of the family is that she gets one last hoorah.

"Of course, sweetheart." Geoff speaks for both parents as he reaches out and takeshis oldest daughter's hand in his.

"Yay!" Cries Liam, hugging his sister.

"What songs should we sing?" Asks Ruth excitedly.

"Jingle Bells!" Declares and overly-excited little Liam. It's not even a question.

"What about Rudolph? Stick with some of the classics?" Suggests Ruth.

"I like that idea." Smiles Nicola.

"So... Can we go?" Asks Beth excitedly.

"I don't see why not. We'll just have to get you a wheelchair and an I.V.." Karen makes that bit of information clear.

"Deal." Smiles Bethany. And deal indeed.

Needless to say, the Paynes had a blast and the kids who got to hear them had even more of one. It may be under terrible circumstances, but it ended up as one of the Paynes' best Christmas memories.

Short story= short chapters. Sorry. :(

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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