chapter 2: So You Were Following Me?

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Chapter Summary:
Jeongguk and Jimin meet once again in a dark corridor...

Jeongguk never finds himself particularly Gryffindor. Most are loud, out going, and talkative. Quite annoying actually. Before the beginning of the rise of Voldemort, he really questioned why the sorting hat placed him in the house of the brave and daring. He was never the kid to be loud during class. Despite being quite attractive, he never would go on dates with girls. Even if they asked him.

He was a confident Gryffindor. But didn't scream about it. He chose to speak in class when spoken to. He was loud with those close to him like Seokjin, Hoseok when they were still at Hogwarts. And Taehyung, obviously.

He was extremely close with a sadistic but protective Slytherin with a good heart named Yoongi.

Yoongi since he first saw Jeongguk chose him as his adoptive little brother despite being a Slytherin from an uptight family.

While Jeongguk was younger, he'd always play pranks on people whose parents his uncle warned him about.

"Kook, before you go to school. I need to talk to you," His uncle said placing a hand on Jeongguk's tiny shoulder.

"The Malfoys, the Blacks, and the Parks," He said. "Stay away from them,"

Jeongguk remembers agreeing but not grasping the entire concept yet.

While he ran around the castle without knowing what corridor he was on, from the castle being too large for his eleven year old brain, he picked up on the general climate of each house and it's people.

Park Jimin. The main slytherin of his Hogwart's days.

The mere essence of him bugged Jeongguk. He was perfect. Never looked like he was having a bad day. Always cool and collected. Who could be that perfect all the time?

Jeongguk wanted to see Jimin crack.

Even if it meant picking arguments and fights with the most feared person in Hogwarts.

That was a Gryffindor trait coming out.

That's been the only stereotypically gryffindor trait. He's courageous and fights when he feels he needs too. Taehyung always told him, "Mad Jeongguk could scare the Dark Lord!" Of course Taehyung was exaggerating.

Taehyung knows that side of him. Anyone who has seen him dueling or straight brawling knows. That may or may not be half of Hogwarts.  But of course, he was still the shy boy with a bunny smile that his friends came to love.

But right now, he was trailing the Head Boy, using Harry's invisibility cloak, seeing if he was doing anything suspicious.

That's what Hermione set up. A watch if you will, using the people she could trust, to check up on all the people with suspicious parents. 

So now, as quietly as he could, he trailed the head's footsteps that seemed louder than before. It would freak anybody who wasn't used to the welcoming castle being this dead. But, he was used to this pin drop silence.

Jeongguk knew Jimin had a soft spot somewhere because Jimin was best friends with Yoongi. There is no way Yoongi would befriend someone of that kind.

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