"DRAKE GET THE HELL UP" I heard as I opened my eyes and looked at the clock on my nightstand 'Ugh its six in the morning, I hate this crap' I thought to myself as I climbed out of bed and grabbed the towel hanging from the door. "Are you awake honey?" My mom asked as she walked down the hallway "No mom Im just sleepwalking" I said in the most sarcastic tone I could use. As I got dressed I saw something in the corner of my eye but I figured it was just my imagination so I just shugged it off and kept doing what I was doing buti the weird thing was that when my mom was driving me to school I saw a man in the street completely oblivious of anything going on around him and as we approched rapidly upon the man I screamed "MOM WATCH OUT FOR THE MAN IN THE ROAD!!!!!!!" My mom just kept driving as if she didn't hear me and before I could speak another word we hit the old man but instead of blood hitting the windshield or the tires bumping against his body, as soon as the car hit the man he dissapeared in a cloud of black smoke and as if simultaniously I heard a voice in my head tell me 'There is nothing you can do to escape us Drake, we are watching you as we always have been and there is nothing you can do to stop us!" I could tell that this effected me because my mom looked at me and asked me why I was crying and I tried to speak but I was unable to say anything as if someone had stolen my voice.