Robot Roommate?

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Third POV

Jin and Tae had left and Jimin was scurrying to make the guest bedroom look presentable. There was just a bed in it. There was a closet and a small night table by the bed but that was it. He changed the sheets and brushed a few cobwebs off the ceiling.

He made his way back to the living area and waited on the couch.

Jungkook lugged his suitcase to Jimin's apartment and made his way in.

"Uh, where do I go?" He looked at Jimin and Jimin looked at him.

The night basically consisted of Jimin showing Jungkook the necessary things and Jungkook telling Jimin he couldn't go back to work and he had to accompany him everywhere when going out.

"You need to write down your job details so I can tell your boss what is going on," Jungkook had said.

"You know what? I wanted to resign anyway. I'll send a letter." Jimin was almost happy.

Jungkook was confused but didn't question it.

After a few days, they fell into a routine.

They would wake up, Jimin would make breakfast, then Jungkook would go to work when one of his men were posted at the door. Then he would come home, eat dinner in silence with Jimin and they'd both retire to their own rooms.

It was then that Jimin began to feel suffocated.


I was beginning to think I wouldn't see the light of day again. Jungkook had gone completely silent and Mr. Winky was no more. He barely spoke to me and I had no one else to talk to.

I was bored out of my mind. Tae and Jin were busy avoiding me because they assumed I was getting some. Little did they know I wasn't even getting eye contact. We slept in the same house and I cook for him and he can't even pop a smile.

I was living with a robot.

I decided I'd bake some cookies. I got up off the couch and made my way to the kitchen to start on a batch of delicious chocolate chip cookies.

After a few, the cookies had cooled and I had actually finished cooking dinner.

I went to my door and opened it.

"Hi. I'm sure you know who I am. Would you like to come in for some cookies and milk?" The guard was cute. His name was Soobin I think. I had heard Jungkook telling someone on the phone. He didn't even blink or look at me.

I went right up to him, "If you don't, I'll tell Jeon that you left the door unattended. And I have proof," I pulled out my phone and showed him a video I had taken of my empty door way. I had been bored and went to see if he wanted some water.

He looked a bit panicked for a split second.


I grinned triumphantly.

Then I got an idea. The cute guard ate cookies and drank milk while I poured the rest of the milk down the sink.

"Oh great! We're out of milk," I said dramatically. Soobin, stopped mid cookie to look at me. Man he was a cutie. "Can we go to the store to get some?"


"Why? You'll be right there with me and it's just two blocks away. We can take your car," I pleaded. I wanted to go outside for peace sake!


"Fine. I'll just show your boss this video. I hope you saved money," I narrowed my eyes at him.

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