Love is an empty term that everyone uses to hold people to them... Its a four letter word that people say to hold someone to them... Love is a word that people use and it can tear you apart or it can build you back up. Its a word that can be used as an excuse and an apology... I grew up seeing the first of the two... I grew up seeing people I loved get hurt by others and they would say i love you and everything be ok because its human nature to want love... Its human nature to seek acceptance...
Sure family love is real, the love between an owner and pet is real, child and toy love is real, etc. But marriage love... Ive seen first-hand that its mostly fake... Marriage is the same as love. It can be used for good or bad... And throughout my life all its done is tear my family apart... People always say my life is great...They will never see the dark corners of my life...they will never see the multiple D.F.A.C.S. calls...they will never see the bruises and the tears... the panic and the lies...the excuses and the apologies...they will never see the panic and the anxiety...the cuts and the depression...the tears and the heartache...
Randomso im just doing this to describe the way i feel about the serious topic.