Chapter One

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*King's POV*

I don't know where this feeling came from but I really wish it would go away. I found myself sitting here watching her dance and have fun and I start to think about what the future could hold for us even though I know that it would never happen. Right now I am at this party and all I can think about is her. I just want to go up to her and tell her how I feel. I know I can't do that even if I had a chance. 

"Aye man you good" Kenny asked looking at me kind of concerned. 

"Yea man I'm good just think about this job we got something don't seem right about it" 

"Man honestly I feel you but now is not the time to be thinking about this we are supposed to be having fun" 

"I know man but it's really bugging me, I'm bout to go out and get some air imma be back" I walk out the house and sit on the ground by my car trying to get my thoughts back right get her and this job off my mind. When I look back up I see Jade-Marie Kenny's sister standing there looking upset. 

"Aye Marie you good" 

"Yea King I'm fine my brother's told me I had to leave cuz this dude was trying to talk to me" She gave me this look of irritation I laughed to myself a little bit because it is typical of them to do that they never let this girl live. 

"What ya laughing for King this ain't funny they always do this shit and it's annoying" 

"I know Marie I wasn't laughing at you but the situation is funny cuz it's so typical of them" I laugh a little harder as I think back on the times. 

"Look Marie they are just trying to protect you, but I also understand that you need to live your life" 

"King can you talk to them for me I'm tired of being held up in the house all the time and them breathing down my neck like I hate it" I looked at her unsure cuz I don't know how they would react to me going to bat for their sister. 

"Marie I don't know about that they may get the wrong idea" 

"Please King you big as shit man come on" 

"I understand that but when it comes to your your brothers are ruthless and don't care who they got to fuck up to make sure you ok just because I'm big as shit don't mean I and immune to a fucking gun Marie" She looked at me and rolled her eyes, I sighed and gave into her. "Fine Marie I will talk to them for you. 

"Thank you King" She looks at me and gives me this wide ass grin. All of a sudden I hear Kenny yelling and him and his other two brothers Mike and Otis behind him. 

"I see you ran into Jade" Otis says with a mad look on his face

"Otis you good man" I ask him already kind of knowing what he is mad for. 

"Nahh man I'm pissed" and as soon as he said that I saw Marie roll her eyes damn near popping out her face. I couldn't help but laugh a little cuz I know she's pissed. All of a sudden I her Marie yelling 

"Ya know he didn't do anything we were just talking and dancing like man give me some space and let me live a little GODDAMN" and with that she walks away and hops in her brother's car I just sit there and laugh.

"Nigga what the fuck you laughing for" Mike said looking mad as hell

"I'm laughing because ya'll always manage to piss her off for no reason let the girl live her life the way she wants" they all look at me then walk away I just get in my can and go home. When I got home I was met with my black Pit Bull Midnight. I gave him his food and went to shower. After my shower I went and sat on the side of my bed and just scrolled through my notifications to see which ones I thought were important enough to answer. I saw none and laid back and I got on Instagram. I scrolled through and saw nothing interesting and I just laid there waiting for sleep to take over. As I lay there my thoughts star to race and sure enough my thoughts came back to her my thoughts always seem to go to her. I lay here almost all night and think about her she is constantly on my mind 24/7. Sleep has set in and before I knew it I was sleep. 

As King went to sleep he went thinking about her he knew that he could never be with her but he still entertained the idea of someday being with her. There is only one thing standing in his way and he know's that he can't sacrifice that one thing that is keeping from loving the woman he wants. 

*Jade-Marie's POV*

As soon as I walked in the house I was bombarded with my brothers yelling at me. Like DAMN let me live FUCK. They are always down my throat, I know I barely have any friends but I do want to make some and I can't do that with them breathing down my neck. I just need them to understand that I know how to make my own decisions I'm not fucking stupid. 

"Look ya'll it ain't that serious ok he was just talking to me" when I was done talking they all stared yelling I just heard things like 'what if he hurt you' to 'girl niggas ain't shit' to 'you dumb as fuck' and that right there that got me coming out of Mike's mouth is crazy cuz he is the dumbest nigga there is. "NIGGA did you just call me dumb" I looked at Mike waiting for him to answer my question waiting for what lie was about to come out his mouth. 

"I aint-" I interrupted him right there 

"Yes you did all ya'll think I'm some young, dumb, and naive girl. Ok yea I may be young but I know damn sure I ain't dumb. I be damned if I let a nigga play me. Yall know ya'll are all niggas and I see how ya'll be playing these females" They just looked at me like 'yea I guess you right' they just some dumb niggas.

"And Otis I don't understand how you are trying to tell me what to do when you younger than me"

"Look Jade we are just trying to look out for you and make sure you don't get hurt cuz if something were to ever happen to you I don't know what we would do" Kenny explained to me and I understood his point but they just go to far sometimes. 

"Kenny I know what you mean but you guys take it to far and every time I say this ya'll just blow me off" Kenny just looks at me the sighs and walks away that's exactly what I mean

"Look Jade we are doing are job it's for your own good" and with that Otis and Mike walk away. I walk up stairs and take me a shower and I think about the conversation King and I had I'm glad he agreed to talk to my brother's but I feel like he just feels sorry for me and only agreed to so I would leave him alone. After I take my shower I lay in bed and think about what life would be like if King and I was together. I know to most I am just hurting my own feelings by thinking about this but hey I don't really care it's my happy place. Soon enough Jade realized that she was getting tired so she made herself comfortable and fell asleep thinking about her life with King. 

*Who is this infamous 'SHE' King is talking about?

*Do you think Jade will ever tell King how she feels?

*Why do her brother's feel it's their Job to protect her?

{*Ohhhh the mysteriousness*}

*Please give me feedback on how you felt about the first chapter criticism is always welcomed. LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE this book

In the meantime my fellow readers be blessed and have a good time reading *inserts deformed smiley face* (::)

This is a trial chapter more chapters to come please comment and tell me how I did I love and respect the criticism. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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