Surrounded, Yet Safe

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Surrounded, Yet Safe

Gentle blues fade to a crimson flame that is soon swallowed by

Dark clouds that cloak the broad expanse of the evening sky.

The damp scent of rain wafts in on a not so gentle breeze.

Droplets race down the panes of glass and the soft yet driven tapping

On the roof drums a consistent, soothing rhythm.

Thunder crashes and rumbles in my chest.

Lightning steaks across the sky for the briefest of seconds and my heart beat quickens.

The hidden beauty of a storm..

How thrilling it is to just sit under the awning of a front porch

Hearing the splash of puddles forming, feeling the temperature drop

Fully surrounded by the storm in all its glory and yet safe at the same time.

Surrounded, yet safe.

For one who doesn't understand its power, it is easy to fear the storm.

To see the flashes, to feel the thunder that shakes you to your core.

The violent wind tearing at your hair, the driving rain stinging your eyes

And drowning out all thought of confidence and safety.

Maybe for some, but not I.

I carry a measure of sorrow for those who many never get to sit on a front porch

And watch the beauty of a storm. To feel its unharnessed power.

It is most often taken for granted.

We blink for one brief second and have already missed the flash of a lightning bolt.

We hide under our blankets in the comforting shelter of our beds, and never experience the fullness.

The exhilarating feeling of just being present, being in it, being a part of it.

Being surrounded, yet safe.

Then as quickly as it came, the clouds roll back like a curtain

And reveal a canopy of the brightest stars

Shining brilliantly against the blackness of the night.

The air is crisp and clear, and I can finally breathe.

I draw in a deep cleansing breath and take in the glory of the heavens.

Because I saw the storm, I will now see the glory of the morning.

The hidden beauty of a storm..



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