The Secret - Rewrite

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A few months ago, BTS announced their World Tour. It was an exciting day for most, but for me, it was depressing. I tried like crazy to snatch any ticket I could click on, but they sold out so fast and the app was lagging like crazy from the overload. I was unsuccessful. In only a matter of 15 minutes, the venue closest to me was completely sold out. I frantically got into the line for the next closest venue, but unfortunately, it sold out before I could even get through the wait list. Another year with no BTS concert for me. Last year I couldn't afford it, but this year I thought for sure I'd get to go. What poor luck!

I was feeling those 'no concert blues' once again, like so many other ARMY that were also unable to go. I gave a look into resale tickets... but no way could I afford that! People were nuts! One person wanted $3k for ONE ticket! It wasn't even the greatest seat. Exploitation! The depression was really sinking in so I did what everyone else was doing; Social Media! I was sure to find hundreds of other sad and disappointed fans on Facebook to sulk with. There were so many groups out there and I had no idea which one to join so I applied to a few and started talking in the first one that accepted me.

A few weeks had gone by since the tragic day I lost my chance to see BTS. The Facebook group was a good distraction. So many other people from all over the world were there that shared my pain, love and understood how I felt. I was becoming rather well known in the group as a regular and posted often. I tried to keep everything OT7 to be fair, but it was no secret that Jimin was my bias. It wasn't just his looks, mind you. I had an intense respect and admiration for the man. He had overcome so much in his early days and still struggles with much doubt and his need to make things perfect for everyone and the fans. He worries so much about the smallest things that the fans don't even notice. The man could fall on his face and the fans would still love him. I understood those fears and insecurities though. I shared some of them, and used to suffer from so many more. Watching Jimin grow and overcome his faults over the years has really helped and inspired me to be a better version of myself, too.

The boards were so active and I tried to interact with everyone. I posed all kinds of things from stories to news articles, fun facts and just anything I thought might interest people. I often made long winded appreciation posts about Jimin because all I would ever see were posts about how cute, sexy and rude he was or any new meme people would make about him. They weren't wrong... Jimin was beautiful, talented, sexy beyond belief and 100% rude! But he was so much more than that! Why do people only focus on his looks?

'Jimin is an amazing person. He works so hard and pushes himself to his limits all for the sake of the other members and the fans. He ends up hurting himself because he refuses to quit until it is perfect. He pays attention to every little detail and deserves to be recognized for more than his pretty face. Jimin is more than looks, a nice body and a beautiful voice. He has struggled with self-esteem and body image issues in a society where it's perfection or go home. He looks small and frail, but the man is strong and determined. I have so much respect and admiration for him. He has come a long way since debut and I'm so proud of him.', that was pretty much how the posts would go.

I would receive a lot of 'likes' and 'hearts', but still the comments would focus mostly on how sexy and perfect he was. They were nice compliments, but people just didn't get what I was really trying to say. It was sad that the members physical images were so much more important than who they were inside that shell. Will I ever find someone who really understands how I see Jimin and why I have so much love for him? After my latest appreciation post got nothing but thirst comments and generic 'I agree's, I decided to just give up for a while and go to bed. People just can't see past their beauty. I feel bad for the guys...

Roughly an hour later, I heard my phone as I was getting ready for bed. Sounded like someone messaged me on Facebook. I wonder who it was? It was a new message alert, someone not on my friends list was trying to talk to me.

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