Chapter 10.2

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Name: Minoru

Occupation: Hero’s Pet

Physical Strength: 80/80

Energy: 48/55 

Horticulture: Lv.4 1500/2500
Title: Herb Lover

Environment: Lv.6 9385/13000
Title: DIY

Cuisine: Lv.5 1500/2500
Title: Foodie

Care: Lv.9 48500/54000
Title: Unrequited Love 

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I didn’t know where to start.

First of all, what’s with the “pet?” So I was that person’s pet?

Did it turn out this way because my care level was too high? What kind of meaning was that? To think that taking care of the hero would make me his pet… 

The titles were also terrible.

But what bothered me the most was the title under the care category.

I knew this was the upgraded version of that ‘A Little Curious’ title. I knew it, but… why did it feel somewhat bittersweet?! What the heck was this “Unrequited Love?” Was the one who made the title at the spring of their youth?! 

God, please explain this now…

“You’re still awake?”

His voice nearly made me jump, and I covered my smartphone with my notebook.

So dangerous! He didn’t see anything just now, right? 

There was a feeling of warmth on my back, the hero’s voice coming from above my head.

“What happened, Minoru? Are you feeling unwell after all?”

“Eh, no… I was just about to fall asleep here, and felt a little dizzy.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Even I found that a lame excuse. 

“Of course you did. You had a fever last night. You should sleep early.”

Lately, I realized I could say just about anything to this person and he’d eat it all up.

The hand stroking my back was so gentle that my heart filled with warmth. Sorry, though. There was no way I could sleep now.

I looked down, shaking my head. I couldn’t face him properly at that moment. I wanted to be alone to sort out my feelings. 

“I’ll go to bed soon. There are still some things I need to do.”

“Need to do? You mean with the notebook?”

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