Chapter 9: Stomach Bug ( Part 6 )

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Anne-Marie: " Hey, Baby. " she says to Ashton when he gets to the living room.

Ashton: " Hey, mom. " he says sitting next to her and laying his head on her shoulder.

Anne-Marie: "You're not feeling good aren't you. " she says putting her arm around him.

Ashton: " No. " he says to his mom letting her mess with his hair.

Anne-Marie: "You're burning up. " she says noticing that he was sweating.

Ashton: " Mom, how are Lauren and Harry? " he asks his mom about his siblings.

Anne-Marie: " They are doing good. " she says to her son.

Ashton: " That's good to hear. " he says to his mom groaning in pain.

Anne-Marie: " Babe, what's wrong? " she asks concerned about her son after hearing him groan.

Ashton: " My head is killing me and so is my stomach. " he says trying to lay down on the sectional.

Anne-Marie: " I'm sad that you aren't feeling well. " she says to her son rubbing his back while he was laying on the sectional.

Ashton: " It's okay, Lola is taking great care of me. " he says to his mom while his head is still on his mother's lap.

Lola: " Ashton, do you want anything? " she says from the kitchen while she is cooking.

Ashton: " No, not right now. " he says to Lola before he falls asleep on his mother's lap.

Lola: " Okay, babe. " She says to Ashton.

Anne-Marie: "Every time Ashton got sick when he was a kid, he would always climb on the couch and lay on my lap and fall right asleep. " She says to Lola.

Lola: " Really? " She asks Anne-Marie.

Anne-Marie: " Yes, he is such a momma's boy when he doesn't feel good." She says to Lola while running her fingers through Ashton's hair.

Lola: "How cute. " She says to Anne-Marie.

While Ashton is asleep on his mother's lap, Lola notices that he was shivering and sweating at the same time and throws a blanket on top of him.

Lola: " Does Ashton always shiver and sweat like this when he is sick? " She asks his mom noticing that he was shivering badly and sweating badly as well.

Anne-Marie: " Sometimes. " She says noticing the same thing.

Lola: " Wow. " She says feeling a bit surprised.

Anne-Marie: " I might lay him on the couch. " She says rubbing her son's back while he is sleeping.

Lola: " That's Okay. " She says to Anne-Marie before going back to cooking.

After she spoke to Lola, she gently lifts Ashton's head off her lap and places a pillow under his head being careful not to wake him up.

Anne-Marie: " He looks like he is feeling bad. " She says by looking at his face while he was asleep.

Lola: " He does, I bet. " She says to Anne-Marie.

After she said that Ashton starts to stir in his sleep, grabbing at his stomach and groaning again.

Anne-Marie: " Ashton. " She says rubbing his back.

Lola: " Is he okay? " She asks Anne-Marie feeling really concerned.

While Ashton is stirring uncontrollably in his sleep they both hear him gagging.

Anne-Marie: " I think that Ashton is going to puke. " She says trying to wake him up.

Lola: " Do you need the garbage can? " She says to his mom.

Anne-Marie: " Yeah. " She says still shaking him to wake up.

Lola: " Here. " She says to Anne, handing her the garbage can.

After Ashton gagged 3 more times he finally wakes up and leans forward coughing and gagging then throwing up.

Anne-Marie: " It's okay baby, I'm right here. " She says sitting next to her son rubbing his back as he threw up in the trash can.

Ashton: " Ugh. " He groans.

Anne-Marie: " I don't think that you should give anything to him right now foodwise. " She says to Lola comforting and soothing a sick Ashton.

Lola: " Okay. " She says to Anne.

Anne: " Try giving him some Liquid right now but after he finishes throwing up. " She says to Lola.

Lola: " Okay. " She says making him a glass of water and then putting it in the fridge.

Ashton: " Mom. " He voices before he gets hit with the 4th Round of vomiting.

Anne: " It's okay baby, deep breaths. " She says to Ashton.

Lola: " poor thing. " She says to herself out loud.

Anne: " The garbage can is getting full. " She says to Lola.

Lola: " Okay, I'm coming. " She says coming into the living room with something else for Ashton to throw up in.

After the 5th round of vomiting, Ashton finally starts to dry heave in the bucket that was placed in front of him and stops causing him to lay down on the couch again.

Anne: " Baby, do you feel better? " She asks her son rubbing his back again.

Ashton: " Yes, for now." He says sitting up and asking for some water.

Lola: " Here you go. " She says handing Ashton the cup of water that she had in the fridge for him.

While Anne is sitting next to her son Ashton, her cell phone rings letting her know that she had a phone call from someone.

~ On the phone ~

Anne: " Hello. " She says on the phone.

Lauren: " Hey Mom. " She replies.

Anne: " How is the babysitting going? " She asks.

Lauren: " Babysitting is going well, Harry hasn't given me any problems. " She says to her mom.

Anne: " Good, is there something important that you need to let me know? " She asks her daughter.

Lauren: " Yeah. " She says on the phone.

Anne: " What is it? " She asks concerned.

Lauren: " Harry has been complaining about his throat hurting. " She says to her mom.

Anne: " Really? " She asks.

Lauren: " Yeah, so I made him some tea with lemon and honey after he had dinner and I sent him to his bedroom, so he could go to bed. " She says to her mom.

Anne: " Is he okay? " She asks.

Lauren: " He is asking to talk to you." She says to her mom.

Anne: " Let me talk to him. " She says to her daughter.

Lauren: " Okay. " She says to her mom before handing her phone to her little brother Harry so he could talk to his mom.

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