Chapter IV

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NOTE: I attempted to write informally, but I've never done that before, so I wouldn't mind having suggestions on how to improve that part, and any other parts of the story, as always! Sorry for the late and short upload, but there will be another HP book coming out soon as well. Also sorry for the cliffhanger at the end.

Hadrian woke up and looked to his left, at a mirror. 

Each eye now had a ring of silver around them, and his hair now had small dots of silver- making it even more like a mini galaxy. The Malfoys stood to his left, talking to their family goblin. Hadrian stood shakily, and realised that he had extra weight behind him. 

Turning his head, he saw a pair of multi-coloured wings. One was white, with light, pastel colours covering a majority of the wing. The other was dark grey, with different reds, greens and other colours that only seemed to show in certain lights. Hadrian moved his feathered wings, and saw them stretch across the room, almost 6 foot in total. He almost hit Draco when they were out, as they had begun to move of their own accord. It was then that he noticed that Draco had a pair of jet black wings as well, although they were only a few feet long. Hadrian walked over there and stood to the side of a nearby goblin- Griphook if he remembered correctly- and waited until he was noticed by Draco. Draco came over and asked, "Hey, Hadrian, can I touch your wings? They're really pretty!" Hadrian nodded, grinning. Draco grinned back, and tentatively reached to touch Hadrian's wings. Hadrian thought it felt weird, but it made Dracó happy, so he was happy too, as Draco had been kind to him.

Lucius and Narcissa noticed Draco reaching for Hadrian's wings, and went over, asking, "Are we all ready to go shopping? Hadrian needs new clothing, and possibly a pet. We could also get both of your wands- as well as some other things possibly."

The duo of children nodded, as they began to leave the bank- Hadrian waving goodbye to the goblins as he went. His wings were folded behind him as he had been instructed to do. Lucius told Hadrian that he and the goblins had sorted out all of the account business, and that he will get the heir rings once they are home.

The quartet went down to Knockturn Alley. They first went to a clothing shop, and got an entirely new wardrobe, from head to toe. The woman at the shop had complimented Hadrian's appearance, seeming to adore his unusual hair and eye colouring. 

They next went on to the wand shop, where the wands were customised. The four walked in, seeing only darkness, and hearing only creaking floor boards. Hadrian spun suddenly to the left, startling the others. Hadrian waved. A man came out of the shadow, smirking but looking slightly annoyed. The man spoke, "Well done kid. I'm ashamed of ye, Lucius. I thought you knew how to watch yourself. This kid just did better than you, and you know me. I ain't ever seen this one before." Lucius shook his head and replied, " That is Hadrian, and this is Draco. We were seeing if we could get their wands?" The man jerked his head carelessly and motioned for Draco to come up. He did. Draco struggled, but reached out his magic as instructed, and found his match with hawthorn and a veela hair. Draco used his magic to bind them together, created 10" wand. Draco picked it up, and a burst of white magic showed the wand's acceptance. The wand-maker gave a lop-sided smirk.

Hadrian stepped forward. The man told him to reach out his magic, and see what reacts to it.  Hadrian's magic was out instantly at his command, as he stretched it around the woods. The man chuckled, "You're full of surprises, kid. Beech, yew and elm- an unlikely combination." Hadrian's magic reached for the cores, once again picking three. "Interesting. A shadow phoenix feather, thestral hair, and a thunderbird feather. You'll be a great wizard, lad. Go on then, combine 'em." Hadrian did as he was told, and formed an intricate 13" wand. Hadrian picked up his wand, and was greeted with a mixture of brightly coloured magic and a warm tingling rushing through his entire body. The magic saturated the air, shocking with an electric like force. Boxes fell from the shelves, and put themselves back again. The man looked almost smug, his smirk stretching further across his face.

Wanting to move on, the four paid the man 30 galleons and left.

The four went to a nearby pet shop, Damian's Pet Emporium, and entered. Draco already had a pet, a hawk, but he was trying to get something else, like a snake. Draco went immediately to the reptile aisle, Hadrian close behind.  Draco began staring at a large snake with black scales that he adored. Hadrian followed him, and spoke to the snake, ~Hello~ The snake lifted its head, responding ~Speaker? ~ Hadrian nodded, unaware of Draco gaping behind him.  The snake gave an odd kind of smile, but rested its head down again, still staring at Hadrian. Draco spoke up, "You're a parselmouth?! Can you ask the snake if it would like to come with me? Or if it is even suitable?" Hadrian agreed, and spoke ~Would you like to come with me, and my adoptive brother? Or would it be better if we take another? Also, are you female or male?~ The snake lifted its head slightly and replied, ~I would not mind leaving this place, especially with a speaker and speaker's nest mate. Besides, the hatchlings are far too temperamental currently. I am female, as well. ~

Hadrian confirmed to Draco that the snake wanted to leave, and that she was female. Ava was still trailing behind the duo as they went up to the counter, their parents having given them plenty of money before leaving to do something. Draco decided to name the snake 'Rimera.' He claimed that was one of the only names that was suitable for such a gorgeous snake. They paid and had just stepped outside when Hadrian heard something from around the corner. Curious,  Hadrian went to look for whatever made the noise, Draco following closely behind. They walked around the corner, seeing ash and brick. Not finding anything unusual, they began to leave the dark alleyway, only to be stopped in their tracks.

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