part 3 (YES!)

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Billies POV

We landed like 30 minutes ago and Brandon was picking me up to go to Zoe's house. Finally! Imma be in a car alone with Brandon!!!
I was sitting on the chairs outside, my  family already went home so i had to stay there alone. After a few minutes i saw Brandon's car coming my way so I stood and took my things with the biggest smile on my face. Im so happy to see him!
I got in the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on.

Brandon: hey mamas! Wassup

Damnnnn I love it when he calls me thattt

Billie: hey babe I missed uuu!
I said kinda whining

FUCK! did I just call him babe?!? SHITTTT!!!!! Well, its ok tho. I WANT him to know i like him.

Brandon: missed u toooo!!! How u been?
He said hugging me

Billie: I've not been good! U?

Brandon: mamas what happened?
He said with a concerned look on his face

Billie: n-nothing. Just tired..
I say hoping he'll believe it

Brandon:  Billie we both know something's up... Spill

Billie: w-well I know you for a very long time and since we mean I've been catching feelings for you but i dont think you like me in that way like .... Im ugly, i wear baggy clothes, im always away from tour and I'm really dumb and i dont think you want to anyways...
I said with my eyes tearing up

Brandon: Nahh babe dont even dare say that about yourself! Your beautiful, your smart, you got beautiful eyes, lips, a little cute nose and damnnnn those titssss!!! I just wanna suck them all day.
Billie, of cause i wanna be with u, but we know we cant,we need to wait..... At least lit your 17

Billie: I'm 17 in like 3 weeks! We can start now... Pleaseeeeeeeee

Brandon: ok..  i guess! can I call u 'baby' then?

Billie: yeeeee you also gotta change my
Contacts name to 'mamas'

Brandon: its already that mamas
He said showing me my contracts which said 'mamas😏🍑'

Billie:  awww thats cute!!!
I said giving him a peck on the lips

Brandon: damn
He said with a deep tone in his voice before pulling me back in to the kiss.

This kiss wasn't a peck, it was a kiss KISS! Almost even passionate maybe.
I twisted my head a little and put my lips on his a little hard before moving so i could straddle him, not breaking the kiss. We made out for a few minutes until we saw the time and decided to get going.
Que started the engine and I realized that he didn't have his seatbelt on

Billie: yo! Why the fuck don't you have your seatbelt on?!?
I said a with a kinda loud voice

Brandon: nah chill baby I'm ight.
He said and kept on driving out of the car park

Billie: ok then
I said then took my seatbelt off

Brandon: nah you gotta keep yours on!
He said with a annoying voice

Billie: what? How come?

Brandon: because I gotta protect you babe

Awww he soo sweetttt!!! But I wanna keep teasing him and see what happens

Billie: I don't care
I said with a smile on my face

He rolled his eyes and came over my side and put my seatbelt on for me.
He did it kinda ruff which made my boobs jump a little, i know he saw it and that made me happy.
After he got in his seat I did the  same to him and accidentally touched his dick, it was BIG! Like it was about 11inches!!!

Brandon: wow there!
He said with his eyes kinda wide and i just giggle

*At Zoe's house*

We were all sitting on the couch just talking. I was sitting next to Brandon
And drew, we decided to order some taco bell and watch a movie. They were all picking a movie and i turn to Brandon and told him

Billie: should we tell them?

He thinks about it for a second and nods.

Brandon: guys!
Brandon said and everyone turned their heads to face us

Billie: we gotta tell yall something
I continued him

Billie & Brandon: were together
We both said at the same time and everyone was happy/ shocked

Prince: for real?

We just nod

Danielle: I KNEW ITTT!!!!
Danielle said and came to hug us and we laugh

Billie: girls! Come I gotta tell yall something
I said and we all (me, Danielle, Drew and Zoe) ran to Zoe's room

Zoe: yall fucked?!?
She sat up

Billie: no... But I touched his dick! Its soooo BIG!
I said kinda jumping in excitement

Drew: how big??

Danielle: gurl ewwww why you asking?!?
Dany said laughing

Billie: its like 11

Drew: cm or inch?

Billie: inch!!!
I said smiling


*810 words*


Sorry that this chapter is kinda short. Next chapter there with might be some smut😉. Thank you for yall the reads hope you like the story! Please don't forget to comment if you like it! Thank you
Love you


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