Chapter Two

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Draco p.o.v.

I swallow and step on the train, this is going to be a long year. I walk around looking for an empty compartment, I'm late so most are already full.

I hear my 'friends' calling me but I don't want to sit with them. They probably hate me after what I did, after what I became. I walk to the very end of the train and find a compartment with some slytherin girl, I guess this will have to do. I take a deep breath and open the compartment doors and sit in front of her.

Looking at her I can see she has dark brown hair that is slightly wavy and quite long, she is reading a book and playing with what I think is a muggle quill or something. "do you need something?" she asks not looking up from her book. American? "no, i'm just going to sit here" I say, she snorts "obviously" I frown who is she again?

After a moment of silence I start tapping my foot while thinking about my task. What am I going to do? I start biting my lip I can't do this. I swallow I'm going to die. "quit it frozen" the girl says, frozen? "wat?" I ask frowning, I can now see that she has almost hypnotizing sea-green eyes. "I said quit it" she says "who are you anyway?" she asks, I frown "you don't know me?" most people know me... but if she doesn't know me she does not know what I did, What I am. "no... that's why I asked" she says. how easy would it be if no one knew me? "mhm" I say still thinking "so are you going to tell me your name or not?" the girl asks. she doesn't want to know me, i'm a monster it's better if she doesn't know me I scratch my arm where the mark is "no, I don't think I am" I say hoping she'll accept it. She looks at me and then says "I'll just call you Jack then" Jack... Jack is not a monster, I can be Jack. "that's okay" I say.

I walk up to the carriages and see the compartment girl looking at the thestrals... wonder who died.

_________________ One Week Later __________________

Alita p.o.v.

You'd think that after 6 years at this pig farts I'd at least have one friend, but noooo awkward Alita refuses to make friends. But you know what, I don't need friends, besides I got more important thing to think about. Important things like.... what's the real name of that dude on the train and since when is Mr Chosen-one good at potions? You know I really am curious about that one, he was never good at potions before.. or maybe he was but nobody noticed it because of Snape.. or maybe- ugh stupid ADHD. Anyway, Important things like why do I keep hearing strange voices when I'm near the water or at Care of Magical Creatures? What if I'm schizophrenic like Nick? I don't want to end up like him. But I just might if I'm schizophrenic. NO, no that is not going to happen. I am not going to- "-ningstar?" -end up like Nick.


Flash back:

"ALITA!!" I say nothing "open the door kiddo he said he won't hurt you" what happened to him? I mean he was always schizophrenic but I didn't think it would get this bad "what happened to you?" I ask. He doesn't answer instead he kicks down the door "lucifer" he says. He points a gun at me 'where did he even get that?' "say hi to lucifer"

End flash back.

"uhh.. yes?" shit I'm still in class "can you repeat what I just said?" Professor McGonagall asks "uhh.. Alita?" is my brilliant response I'm an idiot. "I see.. can you tell me what I wrote on the board then?" the professor asks "no I can't I'm dyslexic" it's official, I'm failing this class "well then I advice you to pay better attention in class Miss Morningstar" "yes professor".

-- 2 hours later --

It's a free period, my favorite part of the day. I'm sitting outside by the lake looking at a pigeon, life would be so much easier if I were pigeon... "Alita..." I hear a voice whisper and I look around so fast I almost get a whiplash. I look around but I don't see anyone, I refuse to be a god damned schizophrenic "who said that!?" silence, dammit "Answer Me!" ... "Alita" The lake, it's coming from the lake. I bend down and touch the water, it's cold , suddenly a hand rises from the water and pulls me under..

damn, this would not have happened if I were a pigeon.

I wish I could be a pigeon.Where stories live. Discover now