Nia loves art and crafts.
Nia and Abby live in the same neighborhood .
Nia used to be on the swim team .
Nia goes to private school .
she has been on top of the pyramid 6 times by now or more .
Nia's zodiac sign is Gemini.
Nia is trying to collect all American Girl Dolls .
Nia in Swahili means purpose and in welsh it means champion.
Her favourite colour is any shade of pink .
She is the third famous person who's born in 2001.
Her two brothers are Evan and William .
According to Melissa ,the show doesn't reveal how much Abby adores Nia .
Her favourite subject is spelling .
Nia is usually the one who watches Mackenzie , so the group doesn't lose her when she's moving around .
She has a purple belt in Karate .
Nia loves the song Fancy.
Nia loves Burger King .
Nia loves Jessie J and Sponge Bob .
Nia and Holly do yoga weekly .
Nia snapchat is nsf5
Nia has a friend fighting cancer .