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⚠ Warning ⚠
This story will contain the following.
·Bad words
·Somewhat Erotic

You've been warned...

"Mr.Jung, your father would like to speak with you."

"Thank you assistant Im, Please reschedule the meeting from 2pm to 3pm, I have an important matter to attend to."

"Of course Mr.Jung"

He walked out of his office to a room where his father was in. He knew his father was a strict man and only wanted his son to be the best of the best.

"Hoseok, your mother has been waiting for your marriage yet you still haven't decided on who to marry. Why is it taking you so long."

"Father I don't want to get married. It's not important for the company."

"Oh of course it is! Who will take over the company when you grow old. You are 26 now but the next thing you know you are 50 and still no child and no wife. Do you really want this company to crumble down. You'll bring this company down if you don't hurry and make decisions."

"But I don't want the responsibility of a wife and a child."

"No one does, but I had you and your brother and made you the man you are today. I am your father I need you to keep this company going. Do you understand."

"But I...yes father."

"I did my application but still no results. I think I failed. I am a failure."

"Tae, calm down it's only been 1 week since you put your application in. They said it will take 2 weeks to select who they want for their company."

"I know but what if they don't like what I do. What if I had a typo and they get mad. What if-"

"Jeez calm down! You have one of the most smartest brains in the world. You have experience with companies like those before. You even did an extra year of college just to be prepared.

"I know but still, anything can happen, I can't help but be worried."

"You'll be fine, And if you don't get the job, just work at my restaurant. It's as easy as pie."

"Jin-hyung, what will I do without you. You were their for me when I got my first job and you still keep Me from a life of failure."

"It's because I care about you. And if it weren't for you I would have never made my dreams come true."

"Hah I'm glad I didn't let you down. Ever since that day, I felt terrible and wanted to die. I'm glad you are my friend."

"That's so sweet, just wait, I am so sure you'll get the job."

"Heh thanks hyung."


I week later

Taehyung has been waiting eagerly for a notification to pop up and has been refreshing his gmail. 'Ding' a notification popped up but it wasn't gmail it was his group chat.

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