Chapter 11

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Hey guys I apologise for not updating having major writing block need help badly ughh. this chapter might be a bit boring so sorry.

Brooklyn's POV

"Kaylyn, quick my dad is outside" this girl seriously for take forever. I even basically packed her bags for her while she got a shower and stuff.
"I'm coming just give me a minute!" She came running down the stairs and ran and have me a massive hug but had a little bit of tears trimming her eyes.
"What's wrong baby girl?"

Kaylyns POV

AHHHH!!! He called me baby girl. Anyway that's irrelevant. I took a deep breathe and released in a sigh sort of way. "I got into the collage I wanted!"
"Congrats I knew you would do it, proud to have you as a partner" Brooklyn have his signature wink and smirk, usually that makes me smile and melt inside but not today. "But... i have to move back to Liverpool" I have never felt this way before it's like I'll miss him like we were in a relationship. "Oh" his voice trailed of I couldn't read his emotion he was completely blank, he just stared straight into my eyes. I felt like I had been shattered into 1000 million pieces. Tears stream down my face uncontrollably. His soft warm hand cups my face as he wipes my tears away with his thumb.

Brooklyns POV

Why? Why can't she go to collage in London, why can't she just stay. stay with me. I pulled her into a hug and I just didn't want to let go I managed to let a string of words slip out my mouth "when are you going?" This made her cry even more "today" I held her tighter, my dad must've got pretty pissed a he came strolling into the hotel room. within a minute he had backed out the room again. She pulled away from me drying her face. "sorry your shirts abit wet" she giggled oh how I'll miss that giggle. Over the past couple of weeks I've grew closer to Kaylyn but still every time I see her some weird fireworks seem to explode in my stomach. Is that why people call love?
Her weak frail hands grab the handle and she pulls her suitcase out the door noes my chance I may never see her again. "Kaylyn... I love you" she stood still in the doorway and turned around to face me "I love you too" a single tear rolled down her cheek. then she was just gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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