3. age 29

4 1 0

"Bodies from cemetery gone. Who and why? next hour."

I turned the the crappy hotel television off  and groaned, stupid ghouls. I grabbed Holy water and a hatchet and my handgun.


"show yourself you little freak. damn it! what was that?! quit psyching yourself self out."   I should of brought a flashlight, phone is not cutting it. "DAMMIT!"  these pieces of crap better not be smarter than they appear.

A distant growl and hiss knocked me back into my senses. "double fudge." I muttered

picking my things back up.

"Someone else is out here, Dean."

"it's probably some dumb teenager, Sammy."

"y'all bunch of dumb asses."

"I just want to get this done and over with." Cemeteries are my worst nightmare. I hate them, they make me sick and jumpy.

After awhile I was ready to give up, I've been walking in circles for ever. FOREVER. But just when I thought I was going to have it easy, NO. 4 OF THESE GUYS SHOW UP.

"oh my sweet jesus, why did I deserve this?" I fumbled with the gun, I should be dead right now.

miss. miss. arm. miss. splash. chop. flame. ashes.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I and two other complete strangers said in unison. "Who are you?"

"I could ask the same." damn, this guy is tall. "never mind, not important, Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! I fell in a hole like thirty minutes ago. I gotta go..." I started to walk off, but no.

"How long have you been doing this?"

"Long enough to know what is what and how to kill it or banish back to hell." I kept on walking.

"Your the chick with the mustang." that made me stop dead in my tracks.

"have you been following me?" I snapped, turning around to face them. The one looked- oh god. This weird Impala guys.


"what you're saying is that we should team up?" I'm a independent women, but sometimes assistance is needed.  I'm currently sitting in my car conversing with now named Sam and Dean. "COME ON TURN OVER! what did I ever do to you, Steve?"

"Steve? really?"

"yeah, yeah, poke fun at me later, DAMN! I give up on you." I punched the steering wheel..This thing has been through too much, I've been waiting on Steve to just stop. "Fine, I'm in. Only for awhile though." the car door slamming echoed through the gravel parking lot. I grabbed my duffel bag of stuff out of the trunk and proceeded towards The Impala.

"Your just going to leave the keys in the ignition?"

"The mustang is so rundown, I'm surprised I made it here." I'm sad though, I'll cry about it later.

I was half asleep on the way back. "don't fall asleep. don't fall asleep. don't fall asleep."


I was walking back to my room when poof a guy in a trench coat just shows up outta nowhere. "Um. Kay then. Can I help you out with anything?"

"No." and he walked towards Sam and Dean's room. interesting.

"let's get drunk off our ass."

and that's what I did. And totally regretted it in the morning.


"Oh my god. why!?" Kenny loggins blared from my phone. "stop. stop. shh." I had crazy alarm on so no snooze button, so I tore the back off and threw the battery across the room with a thud. "peace and-" I spoke too soon.

I got up and opened the door. "It's check out time." The manager said.

"give me 15 minutes! I've had a long night." I snapped slamming the door in his face. I jumped into the shower and got done in record time,packed, grabbed my battery and was out the door. "where the hell is my- oh yeah." I tried to remember which room they were staying in, until I saw Dean talking to the Impala. "I think you've been in the sun too long." I laughed, which hurt. a lot .

"Pssht. what? no."

I just rolled my eyes. I've met crazier. Including myself. "So, where is Sam?"

"Checking out."

I just nodded.. "quit being such a girl."

"So, uh. Who's your trench coat friend?"

"That would be Cas." Sam showed up out of no where. Who the hell are these people? ninjas?!

"I can't get over the fact I'm traveling with complete strangers." I laughed a little and debated if I should actually do this. The internal battle is strong. "god. poor steve."  I pulled out my phone, checked some shit, my dumbass cousin messaged me.


"I mean Amy."

"what? I'm busy asshat."

"just call me. ASAP."

"Dammit." I walked off and dialed his number. "What do you need this time? Money? The lease to the cabin again so you can get your kids from your wife?" I snapped.

"No! damn. You still doing that monster hunting thing or not?"

"Yes Adam, I am. Why?" I sighed pacing around.

"Some weird voodoo shit or something, you need to check out the new very dysfunctional family in town when your around."

"You're a crack head! I WILL NOT BE SEEN WITH YOU AGAIN." I sounded like a bitch, but I was arrested last time I was with him.

"Please, Amy. Allison been missing for three days and I can't call the cops." He pleaded.

"GODDAMN IT! FINE." I hung up and paced. Fists clench. "son of a bitch. Calm down, calm down. breathe."

"I gotta job."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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