Chapter 1: Tradejic Mishaps

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Who would have though my happy family would end me up in the police station. I remember exactly what happened, those blinding are probably what made my stay alive, why did this have to happen to my family, why not anyone else, why did my family leave, why did they die.

Here I am sitting in the police station hopelessly doing nothing, not having any hope on life anymore all I wanna do is go and die myself,  ur the police officers are restraining that.

Why did they make me an orphan and leave. What have we ever done to god?

The police officer, whose name was Mike and had helped me through the death of my parents and brother, looked at me, and said.

"Lily, we just got news to where you are going to be living, I know u wouldn't want to leave New Jersey but your going to have to leave to go live with your aunt in California." He looks at my a bit sadly.

I don't say anything I just sit there not moving, my aunt is pretty nice but she's not the same as my mother, and she never will be.

"Ok." I mumble. He smiles sadly and gets up to do something, but only after tapping my shoulder lightly.

Why is this happening to me why not someone else? Why me?


Hi guys, I made a new story I hope u guys like this!

Btw, this chapter is short because o wanna get to the fun stuff as soon as possible that's why I haven't wrote a lot. But I promise in the future of this book, there will be longer ones.

Have a nice day! :)

Adios Amigos, (no I am not Spanish) lol


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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