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CW// mention of drugs kinda










"I just dont know what to do anymore, y/n." Bob chokes out as you sit comforting him on your couch, "I can't stand Amy. Shes constantly trying to get attention and her tan didn't age well with her at all. She's not even supportive of my business! Did I ever tell you the real reason I had to fire Vern?" Your head perks up as you recognize the name of Bob's ex employee, "I found out Amy was cheating on me with him. I just feel stuck in this relationship. Every time we have a big argument she just pops out another kid to make sure I dont leave."

At this, you see tears start to fall down Dunky's face, which you gently wipe away with the edge of your gossamer sleeve. He looks at you and smiles. "Thanks y/n, I know you must get tired of listening to me complain, but you're the only person I trust." You look away, hoping he can't see you blushing from his words. "You can talk to me anytime Bobby, I'm here for you. I'll always be here, for you." No one says anything, so you quickly try to fill in the silence. "I-I didn't mean it.. romantically or anything, I just- I care about you. I mean-" You suddenly stop, getting cut off by the sound of a ringtone. Not your own, but Bob's.

"yyyello?" He says, answering the call. "Oh, Amy" He calls with a pointed look at you, "Yeah I'll be home soon. Just finishing up some things... at work." A long pause. "Listen Amy we can talk about it later. It's not the first time you've found a bag of acid in his room." Another pause, short this time. "I know, I know. Don't worry." Bob hangs up, and turns to you.

"Amy was searching through Gabes stuff again. She found a bag of acid and some weed he was planning on snorting. I need to go" You see him get discouraged, so you hug him tight. "It'll be okay, come visit me tomorrow?" The Dunk Man seems to light up as he replies "Sure! I'll bring by some rocky road icecream, I know it's your favorite."


Ty for reading this uwu!

This is a joke dont murder my family

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