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CW// description of food and eating it








"Dunkarino has arrived!", you hear a loud male voice call out as you wake up groggily. You sit up and see Bobert standing in your kitchen. "How did you find my spare key?", you question groggily. "I just checked under all the rocks", he chuckles, swiftly setting down a carton of rocky road icecream on your counter.

As you assist Bob in finding some spoons and bowls, it occurs to you that you're still in your pajamas, an old shirt and some shorts that probably shouldnt be worn around company. Would it be worse to ignore it or make a big deal out of changing into something else? You ponder anxiously as Dunkers scoops out a hefty serving for himself, then moves on to yours. Eventually you settle on covering yourself with a robe, and on returning to the kitchen you swiftly take bowl in hand and sit at your breakfast bar with Bobby.

It feels right, sitting there next to him. After your icecream, you move to the sofa, and turn on Tiger King. Eventually you tentatively scootch closer to him and rest your head on his shoulders.

He has such beautiful blue eyes. Deep lazuli like an ocean trench at night, baby blue like the reflection of the sky from an eagles' eye. Reminiscent of a Blue Jay's full nest. They give you a feeling of freedom. What the founding fathers must have felt like, signing that declaration.

They fill your soul like blue raspberry lemonade fills a pitcher on a hot summer day. They are like blueberries falling into your basket. The saddest tear on a baby's cheek. Eyeshadow worthy of a teen girl in the 80's. Like snow being shined upon by blue Christmas lights in January.

The lining of a swimming pool. Daba Dee Daba Die. It's like the blue on a pride flag. The apple apps store. They give you motivation strong enough to wrestle both a lion, tiger, and bear at once. You can climb Mount Everest with no equipment. It's the color of Azula's fire in 'Avatar The Last Airbender'. Reminds you of spiders blood.

It feels so calming to be with him, the one constant in your life. And just as you're about to turn back to Carole and the others, you see what you could've mistaken for a fang in place of a tooth. But you don't ponder on it, it was just a trick of the light. Right?

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