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{It's alright to die cause death's the only thing you haven't tried, but just for tonight hold on.}


-Are you going to tell me what happened? -Liam asks now; from a prudent distance of the boy's face and enough for have a sight of his entire face.

-I don't know what you mean.-and here we go again.

-You don't know? -Mr. Payne arches an eyebrow, challenging his student. He wasn't stupid, if Zayn was going to play, he was going to play as well.

Zayn just limits to shake his head.

-What happened to your face? -Liam already knew something was wrong with the boy from the first day he saw a little but noticeable bruise in his cheekbone. He was being quiet about it, he didn't talk, and he just sat at the back with a green pencil and a white sheet. Liam knew it since first of the year. But he didn't say anything. He didn't say anything because after all, the bruises weren't on his cheeks anymore and his grades were good again.

And, oh, why did he not say anything from the beginning? Why didn't you talk Liam? Why? You have always known about this and you didn't do anything.

But he could do nothing now and he felt so guilty, so.... Furious inside.

-I got mugged.-and it surprises Liam how the boy is so quiet and believable when it's about lying. He is standing there, in front of him, never doubts of what he is saying.

-I see.-and Liam is acting, nodding slowly his head. And that is the moment when Zayn looks down again. It was for moments, those little moments in which you think Zayn is rebel and a bad boy who tries to persuades you with all that tough face of his, that teen who answers without fear to be judged.

But for Liam, he was just a lost boy who didn't want to be found.

-And how did you get my number phone? Why didn't you go to your home?

Silence, silence and more silence.

Liam observes with attention each dark mark again. They were very badly bad if that could be possible. He still couldn't believe this. And he also noticed the lad had amazing and unbelievable long eyelashes which rest on both of his cheeks. And for a moment, Liam feels weird because he is jealous of the boy's prettiness. How stupid he is, he can't be jealous of his student.

Come on Payne you can't be serious.

-I couldn't let my parents see me like this.-avoiding the first question.

-And what are you going to do? You know these bruises will last till at least, two weeks. -Mr. Payne admire the creativity in his student, he was very quickly when he had to invent something.

-I... I just...-there were the stutters again. And the teacher knew he had won the battle. Zayn could be smart in this, but not with Liam, not with an adult who has more experience than him.

-You know...-the man starts talking as he walks to the kitchen table behind him.-...I've always knew you were an intelligent guy, Zayn.-Liam stares at the black-haired boy, now a few metres away from him, his hands in the pockets of Liam's joggings.-That's why I'm surprised of you...-he keeps talking, looking for the exact words to say.-You keep trying to lie to me.

-I don't know what you are talking about.-Zayn's eyes full of fear like the first time Liam had seen them that morning. Although Zayn knew how to hide his emotions... Liam had already read him.

-Just... drop it, yeah? I don't want to talk about this anymore.-Liam knew that Zayn's wasn't going to talk; he didn't have time to lose.

He lets the cigarette consumes by itself as he takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. Zayn doesn't move.

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