Walking to school today I have a feeling of false confidence. As if I know that today is the day everything I know and love will fall apart or hopefully give me some sort of sense of my life.
When I reach the school I stop for a moment just outside the gates. As I look at the amount of people outside waiting for friends or just enjoying the first day of sun we've gotten for what feels like years, a feeling of panic starts slowly rising inside me. I have a sudden urge to turn around and run. But, strangely fighting this urge, i continue into the formidable slab of concrete ahead of me.
As I enter I rush to first period P.E as fast as I can.
Entering the guys changing room is always the worst sensation ever. Even when you walk in first period it's like the centuries of sweaty guys with a severe lack of decent deodorant ,not Lynx god please destroy that abomination of a smell, is engrained into the very being of the room.
Waking in I'm smacked with the familiar sent of sweat. Quickly rushing into one of the toilet stalls, I try my best to avoid the mirrors. Sadly my efforts were in vain as I see my overgrown blonde hair and dull black eyes in the reflective mirror. After stalling for a moment pondering witch I hated more, my body or my face, I rush into a stall locking the door.
Inside I quickly get changed into my P.E kit, or at-least what I call a P.E kit. The other kids would probably call it a girls outfit. I mean there not wrong are they? It's a baggy pair of leggings and a black shirt that's way too small. Considering my school is very homophobic it probably wasn't a smart idea.
I can tell you're probably confused, "what's wrong with wearing leggings? So what if you e got long hair?" You're probably saying. Let me describe myself more:
I have overgrown blonde hair, dull black eyes, I'm rather short with a whopping height of 5"2,
I'm undeniably gay, and I'm a guy.
Am I making sense now?Quickly checking my phone for the time i see that it's 9:15. Dammit I'm 30 minutes early again. I sit down on the toilet seat and I just start thinking about random things. Like I wonder if there are other life forms in space or would people care if I disappeared? It's obvious my mom doesn't care about me. She doesn't even care enough to see me!
"Hey who's in there?" I hear a teacher shout whilst banging the stall door.
"Who's out there?" I reply
"Mr Cobbler," He says. After I leave the safety of the stall he continues "It's okay Nick, to be honest I thought you'd be more excited about today's lesson" He says walking into the hall with me following closely behind
"Why sir?" I ask immediately realising it's unnecessary as I notice the trampolines. I'm filled with a strange mixture of excitement and horror as I step up behind one of the trampolines.Trampolining is one of my favourite sports, however the school sees it as a "team sport" and they say we should "help each other learn new things on the trampoline" but most of the time while I'm on the trampolines I'm ignoring the spotters and practicing a routine I get of the teacher. This time it's an array of flips tucks swivel-hips and front drops.
After my first 3 go's on the trampoline I've got most of it down. However I'm fighting I constant urge to fuck it up on purpose or fail a flip and snap my neck on the landing. It's a lot harder to concentrate with these thoughts constantly tapping at the back of your head.
As I sit on the edge of the trampoline bed to slip off I get an unexpected pang of pain on the back of my head. Turning around once I'm off the trampoline I can see a small group of girls laughing to themselves.
These girls have took it along themselves to personally bully me. I don't really know why I haven't hurt any of them in particular they just seem to hate me. At the head of the group is Luca Surcov, she's the literal opposite of me, tall, short dyed hair, loved by most and ,according to the school yearbook, hottest in the year. I disagree heavily, my belief is that Sebastian Ramerez, this could be my gay bias sneaking in though. One thing we both agree on however, is that I'm the scum of the earth. She's the head tormenter and faithfully followed by her two parrots. Olivia Nickerson, and Emma Wiliams. These two follow her around litteraly everywhere I wouldn't be surprised if they were in love with Luca. There isn't much to see about Olivia, she's rather short , shorter than me which is saying something, she looks like if Donald trump had a live child with an orange, ate it and then shat her out. Emma on the other hand looks like an actual human, with the average tan of us british, none at all, I guess she's kinda tall.
As I stand up straight and walk to the back of the line for the trampoline I overhear there conversation.
"Should I throw another one?" I hear the tallest snicker. They always think they whispering when there just talking normally, if that's them whispering is hate to hear them shouting.
"No," I hear Emma say as she hands Luca something I can't see "through this instead"All I hear is a loud crack behind my ear before I fall to the ground, the last thing I remember is the bell sounding and people carefully walking around me.
HorrorPsyche is a story following a chain of events happening to the protagonist, Nick Peterson, and his slowly declining mental state