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The blonde stood in Delilah's room furious with his husband whom was currently at the door.

"What do you mean Corbyn? I thought we weren't going to say anything to her" Zach replied, confusion filled his face. Daniel chuckled sarcastically. He shook his head, grabbed Zach's hand and pulls him downstairs.

"Why Zach. Why do you want to hurt me like this." Daniel had tears in his eyes but his face showed anger. It was an odd sight to Zach. He had never seen Daniel this angry. It was like a whole different person.

"All you want to do is fuck up my mind. So what? I will have to go to that stupid ass therapy you do?" Daniel ran a hand through his mop of hair and pulled on it. Anger taking over him, he ran to Zach and screamed. "Do you want me to leave Zach?! Is that your main goal here!! To hurt me mentally till I can't take it anymore?!"

The shorter boy stood still. Frozen with a mix of confusion and fear. Who was this man. It most definitely wasn't the kind man he married.

"What are you talking about Daniel? I did not say one word to her about Corbyn. I have no reason to."

Zach was tense but calmly grabbed Daniel's upper arm trying to soothe him. "Are you okay Daniel? Have you been taking your meds?" Daniel pushed Zach away. "I don't need those fucking meds?! They do nothing except make me numb. Is that what you want to be married to? A zombified human?"

Zach was very concerned with how Daniel was acting. Sure he had been very off since they found out about Corbyn but he has been getting worse as time goes by, not better.

"Daniel please take your medicine. You arent right." He spoke before he realized what he was saying. Daniel swiftly turned to him. His eyes wide and shaking his head. "You all think I'm crazy. IM NOT! I have been treated as a child my WHOLE LIFE. It's built inside of me and I just need to let it out. This is the real me Zach. Sorry if you don't like it."

The brunette sighed it frustration and rubbed his face. "Daniel just take the damn pill and go sleep on the couch. We are definitely not sleeping in the same room" This seemed to aggravate Daniel more. "Excuse me?! I would like to remind you that this is MY house and that is MY daughter. Not yours. So you can fucking leave if you want. I am not taking those bullshit pills. I will not calm down. I will however go to sleep because clearly I am not wanting in my own damn house. You act like you have to watch me. Take care of me. I am perfectly capable. Thanks" Daniel said and stormed upstairs. He opened Delilah's door.

"Dad is going to make you dinner. Go downstairs. I'm sorry for yelling at you pumpkin. You just reminded me of something. I love you baby girl." The blonde picked up the small girl and kissed the top of her head. She responded by hugging him.

Daniel decided to take her downstairs to make her something instead. When they reached the bottom he realized Zach had left. He felt horrible.

Daniel didn't know what had gotten into him. It's like something else took over. It scared him. He didn't mean any of it.

Daniel set Delilah in her seat and went to the freezer. He took out Dino chicken nuggets. He heated them in the microwave and gave them to Delilah. She happily munched on the food and yawned. Daniel looked at the time:8:00pm. He figured she needed to sleep.

"Hey baby lets get you into the bath yeah?" The girl nodded and made hands for him to pick her up. He did so and she immediately places her head on his shoulder. He chuckled and walked into the bathroom setting her down. He went to her room picking out a purple nightgown for her to wear and some undies.

He walked back in to see her playing with a small mermaid doll by the bathtub. He smiled and started to turn the water knobs. Once he found a good temperature he help Delilah out of her dirty clothes and into the bath.

He washed her hair with shampoo and conditioner and soaped her body up. Then dried her off and got her into her night clothes. He picked her up and started heading to her room.

"Um daddy. Could I sleep with you tonight?" Delilah asked while yawning yet again. He chuckled. "Yes hunny." She did a little dance in happiness.

He brought her to his bedroom. He put her down on one side of his California king and he crawled into the other. Immediately she cuddled into his chest and he kissed her forehead. "I love you baby girl. More than you could understand. Sleep tight sweet heart"

Sooner or later Daniel fell asleep to the sounds of his princesses snores.

Okay wow, it been a while hah. I ended up taking a bit of a break. Sorry guys. Also this chapter is a lot to handle haha.

Anyways I hope you like it.

•𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏• [2] // A Dorbyn AUWhere stories live. Discover now