A dark beginning

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With what was once a promise, was now an oath

Small, Scared, Cursed.

I remember when I  was only four, I would chase squirrels and rabbits, I'd catch them even, holding them tightly, admiring them...

and then sinking my teeth into their backs, hushing them softly as I twisted their neck to the farthest angle possible before hearing a soft 'snap' I watched their bodies jerk and twitch, the bodily reaction the animals body would have at death... they weren't alive...just twitching.

I would proceed to dug my teeth down into their back, as far as they would go, then I would tug, tug, tug. I would tug until a mouthful of flesh was filling my mouth. Then, I would eat it, as if it were simply the stew my father made, or the meals my mother would serve..

From those years on my craving grew stronger... stronger. until I found myself standing where I am now..

Over my twin brothers dismantled corpse.

. . . .

Hello viewer, you are reading the diary of Lumine Takami.

The kid who found himself buried in what he once sought as sanity

Current time 7:51am, Kyushu Japan.

13 years old.

Out in a grassy plain, alongside the territory of a small wooden cabin right outside of the city, sat a young boy.

The young boy had short unruly black hair, three feather like hairs hung up from above his bangs. His eyes a deep purple and small in size, he had a set of large magnificent black feathered wings. Crow was the name of his quirk, it wasn't very special, it just granted him wings a bird like persona. Though the kid found himself straying further from safety each day. Stepping out into the forbidden space away from his home.

He couldn't help but to crave adventure, unlike his littler twin brother, who was just like him with the opposing palette, his brother was shy and quiet, kind and short, while he was tall and cold, emotionless yet cunning all at once. His brother was nothing in Lumine's eyes.

As Lumine sat in the grass, playing with a few magnets in a silent unease, he asked himself about the city.. why didn't he go? The child was forbidden from the area, he had never once seen. He rose up from his flattened patch and looked out at the further trees, so close yet so far...

He started to wander off into the forest, unknowing of the other following behind him. He ducked under the shade of the tree's then he looked out at the mess of brush before him... he enjoyed the company of those tall trees, it felt right. 

The boy reached up to grab a branch ... but then..

"wait can I come too bub!?"

A low growl like groan escaped the back of Lumine's throat

"What did I say about following me?"

The smaller boy crossed his arms 

"Okay Okay, I know. but mom says its-"

"I don't care what mom says"

The little white haired boy nodded shyly now.. Lumine stared at him

"your bleeding.."

The boy nodded once more

"I am, my knee is scraped from the sidewalk by the cafe. how did you know?"

Lumine didn't answer, his brother allowed out to a cafe, but not him? He circled his brother, his eyes small and in lust, though, an odd one. He inched closer..then closer..his breath oh so awfully heated once it reached the space beside the smaller unnamed boy's ear.


The soft scared whimper of a little shy brother..

It would be a voice gone... gone to wind...

No longer shall the boy whimper and whine, No longer shall his small feet pitter patter behind mine

Gnarled teeth, Sweetened fantasies, and what we would of wished could of been red wine. though that wish, was not one true, and everyone knew it.

I simply remembered hating my brother for mere seconds, opening my mouth and leaning closer.... til they sunk into his neck, like an animal to prey, it was odd...but I found satisfaction in his yelps for helps, as I only bit down more..more..more! He was crying trying to fight me off but all I did was grab his stupid little white wings, pin him down in the grass beneath us, and then I pulled. I pulled and pulled! until....

He went silent... gurgling...gurgling... coughing... then nothing more.

I started to gnaw down the chunk of flesh I pulled free from his neck, rich..sweet.. I opened my eyes then slowly swallowed, staring at the motionless figure under me, his neck torn open, his eyes rolled upward, his jaw hung ever so slightly open, thick streams of deep red moving down into the grass beside him... He was dead.... Dead..

I sniffed, then I felt his head... already heat was leaving him behind. Slowly but surely.

I stood up slowly, wiping the mess of blood around my lips away.. admiring my work but then also hating that strong pity that hit my heart. Guilt..Admiration.. I couldn't choose one! I must dispose of his corpse.. Mother must never know, and... Wherever father had gone months at a time? He mustn't know when he returns either, I would claim the boy had simply been lost. 

I got down onto my knees beside his corpse slowly, then I started to eat the boy..

Bit by bit...

Hour by hour..

It had been two hours later when I felt I was full.. I ate an odd lot for a human being. I examined what I left behind.. mostly a skeleton, only thin layers of red flesh, and organs had remained. I started to drag the fleshy husk out to the quicksand, I tossed it in, and then I left the organs for the creatures of the trees. Scavengers as I liked to term them. Not animals...merely scavengers.

I scurried home quickly after cleaning myself of blood in a near creek. I was damp in water, but it wasn't hard to claim falling into the creek rather then to claim cleaning thyself of blood. I walked in the small door of our wooden cabin, mother sat back with a look of worry. The lady rose quickly and hugged me, shouting out her concerns

"Oh dear Lumi! You scared me! going out without a word and returning hours later! Now I assume you left your brother out alone again?... hmph"

"no..mum. I didn't see my brother at all.. I was playing by the creek and fell in, I came back because I am cold.. My clothing is damp and gross feeling too. sheesh, chill a bit will ya? I'm not a baby anymore"

The lady sighed, and then nodded, nudging me off to my room to change. she rushed out the door, to what I assumed was to search for dear little brother. I just scoffed and changed into new clothing...warm now. I held a grudge over the fact mother didn't seem to be nearly as worried enough to search for me! I moved into the kitchen... grabbing a knife.

Maybe I could go into the city, I would just need to get rid of my whole family.. blame it on the villian's  doing.

I remember when I was two.. the words spoken to me had been

"Lumi.. your such a sweet little angel! one day, you will be very strong, and smart! So protect your brother hun....... He will be hurt all his life. because he has a big boo-boo!"

I understood my brother was a human runt, small weak, unable to keep most of his food down.. he wouldn't suffer such anymore..

Though, I'm sure mother would regret ever letting me grow to be strong, and smart. As she once said.

Some mistakes should of never been made.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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