Falling apart

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"Thanks for the ride" Alyssa says in a shy voice

I love that about her. She's the type of girl who keeps to herself. I find it cute.

"Anytime." I reply

She blushes a light shade of pink. As she leaves the car all I’m thinking about is how beautiful she is. I drive home and see Josh's car in the drive way. 

Great, just who I want to see right now. As I get out he meets me at the door

"What was that all about today?" he says like he’s all tuff “We had a deal, I get Alyssa and you stick to Jessica" 

"Forget the deal, I can’t live without Alyssa."

"Maybe this will change your mind." he says and one of his gang members walks over with my sister with a knife to her neck

"You said you'd leave Jamie out of this." I growl

"Yea well maybe I lied." he says smirking

"Fine you can have Alyssa but let my sister go."

"That a good boy." he says and snap his fingers

The boy lets my sister go and she runs over to me. 

"Let’s go boys." he says "I have a date tonight."

They get in his car and leave. I look at my sister whose still hugging me.

"I’m so sorry Jamie" I whisper

"It’s ok. I still care about you." she says looking down "why did you give Alyssa up? You always say you love her and then you just give her up. Why?"

I look at her. Jamie... Skinny, blond and the best sister ever

"Because no one can replace you. I do love her, but family first." I say planting a light kiss on her head

She smiles and walks back inside. I follow a little slower.

Would Josh really hurt her? I think to myself. I dont really want to find out

She smiles and walks back inside. As she walks I see she’s limping. I feel my temper going up. If Josh did that, why I’ll…

I hear a scream and glass shatter. I run inside and find Jamie on her knees cleaning up glass and dad standing above her yelling.

“Jamie go to your room.” I say to her in a hushed voice

She slowly walks away giving me a look that almost makes me cry. I know that look means he hit her. I start to clean up the glass. I cut my hand a few times but show no reaction to it.

“Did you hit her?” I growl

“What if I did?” he says smirking

I don’t reply, knowing if I do he might hit her again. I throw the glass away and walk to Jamie’s room. As I walk in I see her sitting on the floor playing with the dolls I bought her.

“Did he hurt you?” I ask gently

She looks up at me and I can see tears glimmering in her eyes.

I storm downstairs and find dad on the couch.

“You said you’d hit me not her.” I say glaring

“Fine, I’ll hit you.” He says getting up

“But wait I’ve got something better.” He pulls out a pocket knife and slashes me once across the face. I feel blood running down my face but I don’t move.

“You always were weak. You never fight back. You’re a worthless piece of…”

But I don’t let him finish. I pull out my own knife and stab him hard in the gut.

He looks at me shocked but then smiles

“You’re nothing to me. Did I ever tell you that I killed your mother?” He says coughing on blood

I pull the knife out and let him fall to the floor. As I’m walking up stairs I hear the faint sound of him laughing, but I block it out. I feel myself getting dizzy and look down. He must have stabbed me in the side and I didn’t notice. I can see blood starting to seep through my shirt. I fall into Jamie’s room and see her running over to me

 “Mike? Mike! Oh my gosh, Mike. No, no, no. Mike stay with me stay with me… please.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2014 ⏰

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