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My name is Adam I know that my name says that my name is cooldoomy but no my real name is Adam and I am an author but I just stated writing my stories a few months ago so no one knows my stories because I only finished one and it is being illustrated now so do not go out and expect that you would find a book that says author Adam Islam by the way I want to make you exited about my books so you can be the first one to read my books and give them ratings so I am going to give you a small introduction here it is below you.

Fred The Dragon is very exited because it is his first day of school he goes to school and everything is normal at least that is what they thought until they saw for themselves at break time when an enemy comes to kill them

well that was a small intro for my story and the next book is the next part of the series but I am going to write a story about a girl named Marry who is really mad at her parents for every thing

I love eating and drinking but I am not fat because my mean parents do not let me eat or drink a lot oops silly me I forgot to introduce my self my name is Marry and I live on seamy street with my mom and my dad lives on oxford street I visit him each week my family is really rich but they only give me five pounds a week that is a lot but not for me I have the best chief in the world at least that is what  I think and what I think is what matters because I am the one who will eat speaking of the best chief in the world I am hungry but that is no problem at all because as I said my family is rich they have servants so all I have to do is call them and they will get me some food I also have problems at school there are no school bullies because I have a private school that means I have other students at school but each student has a private class and a private session in each subject so we do not have a relationship and that is the problem I really want friends but as I am so rich no one wants to be friends with me  or maybe I want to have rich friends like I am that is why I do not get bullied because nobody wants to bully a rich person especially a rich girl

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