Dabbling voices speak from the rape.
Each of these scream for my tears cape.
Cum and sperm drip from my face. colorless
Ecchymosed, burn from the skin, and in. cutting
Niches to the self, harming bodies with shallow
Thoughts. Curious how ones wit wants to kill
Instead of feel. Your voices echo, growing
Noisy, as I start to burn inside. My arms
Drown in a weight of sin. My head puzzled
Enigma of the things you made me ponder.
Creation and death, they both hurt, and
Each one converts. When you touched my
Nadir, you awoke this living death of fear.
Threats you made rearrange in my head, and
Again, they act over and over, reminding me
Sex is how we tease. You grasp my dick and
Suck it hard. Pulling the hair, the skin, and
Awkwardly bite ’n tare. I cry in pain, your
Ugly hand covers my mouth. I tense up,
Lock my eyes and feel it squirt. Here your
Teeth bight down on the head, I know I’m dead.
© 2012 S. D. Blankenship. © 2012 WARLOCKCOWBOY