Sad Beginnings Part 2: The Meeting

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AN- Hola Everyone!!!!!!
This is an extension of the lovely story Sad Beginnings. This is fluffy and adorable. So don't judge.

Anyway, hope you look it.

Oh, I'm thinking about deleting the last update but I'm sure. Please tell me if I should or not.

---------- BE-WITH-YOU------------

The young father stared at the bloody scene before him.

Who would dare do this?

But the young father, he knew who. Tony Zucco.

His boys whimpered in his arms. His youngest clenching his shirt like a lifeline. The other two were as pale as a ghost.

Tim, his middle son, had his face buried in his adoptive father's shirt, not looking at the horrific murder.

His eldest, Damian, stood silently. No tears. No sobs. No shaking. Though his eyes were glued to the trio.

Bruce, being the protective father his is, wanted to pull him into his arms. He wanted to shield his son from the terrors this fun night had brought. Until he too looked into the center ring.

From a distance it was hard to tell, but if you were looking closely, you could barely make out the movement of a small chest.


Bruce pushed his sons away gentle, his gaze still on the moving chest. He quickly moved that gaze to his eldest, at age of fifteen, secretly telling him to follow. The two started toward the rail, leaving the young ones to hide their faces and wait for desperately needed comfort.

The trained duo jumped over the railing and ran toward the trio. The stench was unbearable. The color was bright red.

Ignoring all of this, Bruce, billionaire of a large enterprise, knelt down next to the young Grayson. He moved his hands to the boy's neck to check if he was alive.

The best was there, but it was rapidly deteriorating.

"Damian!" The boy stood behind him with wide eyes, shocked and scared, a rare emotion seen on his face. "Call 911! Tell them to bring an ambulance!"

The billionaire playboy, though that lay behind him, grabbed the boy away from the bloody pile of his parents' corpses. This emitted a scream to come from the fragile child.


"Shh, it's okay." a deep voice called from the heavy darkness.

I wanted to reply, but this one caused me to cough. I felt sticky. And slimy.

"Don't talk. It's okay just stay awake." The resounded in a more worried tone.

"Tati? Mami?" (Daddy? Mommy?) I had to know if they were okay.

"Mami și tati nu sunt aici chiar acum. Puteți păstra vorbești cu mine? Care e numele tău?" (Your mommy and daddy are not here right now. Can you keep talking to me? What's your name?) The deep voice replied hesitantly.

" Numele meu este Dick Grayson." (My name is Dick Grayson) My voice doesn't sound right. It's weak and scratchy.

"Poți vorbi în engleză, Dick?" (Can you speak English, Dick?)

"Yes. Where are my Tati and Mami?" My English is terrible, but I can speak it. I needed to open my eyes, so I could see the man who was speaking to me.

My eyes opened to a shadow and blurry surroundings. I could tell I was still in the ring, but everything was fuzzy. In front of me was a tall man in a suit. He was saying something to me, but I couldn't understand him. My ears were ringing really bad.

"Mami? Tati?" My words came out in gasps, chopping them up into their syllables.


Darkness covered my vision and my mind went blank.


The young boy in my arms fell limp. I panicked. What if he was dead? What if I didn't save?

I quickly composed myself before my panic could surface and checked the acrobat's pulse.

Thank Goodness.

It's still there.

The paramedics rushed in with police slowly in tow. They ran toward me and attempted to take the dying child from my arms.

I wouldn't let them.

I had to save him.

If I didn't I could no longer be Batman.

I could never look at my sons again because of this failure.

This boy has to live.

So he can become a Wayne.


AN- Hello! I got a new phone!!! I love it.

This update was shortly written so I hope it's good.

Next time in Sad Beginnings:

Dick waking from the hospital. Bruce struggling with adoption yet again. The sons of the Bat's reaction to the show and the boy.

What will become of our young hero?

All about that Jesus Music (bass)


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