Chapter 1: Hero.

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This is Mark Remerez Jr.

Pictures are NOT mine unless I say they are mine! There will be violence, dirty stuff, bad language (a LOT of it), and all that other bad stuff so read at your own risk!


Also, I've been waiting to publish this story for a damn while! Had to wait to end one of the other stories... Didn't want too many published stories to deal with, heh.... Anyway~ I seriously hope you enjoy, because so far, I'm having fun writing this! I already have 6 chapters done, and I'm gonna publish 3 today~


  You continue to run.

  Run away from that store.

  That... That hero!!

  What if he changes his mind and sends you to jail already?! You just left Villain School, you can't be this bad at being a villain!!

  But that fucker just swoops in and easily takes you down! He looked like he was also new though, making some clumsy mistakes.

  Other than that, he managed to easily capture you! How?!


  You get home and go to a hero website on your computer, reading about the male.

  "Mark Remerez Jr... Son of the famous Mark Remerez himself..."

  'Oh, fuck...' Your eyes widen, getting to a part that said 'the strongest hero there ever was.' How did you get the strongest hero on your first mission?! That's not fair!

  Did he let you go out of pity, or was he just having a little fun with you?!

  Ugh, what a nuisence...

  "Hm..." You continue to read. "He's 17, smart, blah, blah, blah..." You roll your eyes and close your computer.

  "Ugh, we get it. He's 'perfect', damn. He's my age too, so we both got out of school at the same time... Hm.." You think for a bit. "He has some kind of weakness, I know he does... Nobody's perfect... Maybe I can't do things solo, probably need a partner in crime... But who..? I mean, there's Felixx... He has some pretty cool powers... No, he's too flirty. Alexandra? She--No.... She fucking hates my guts after her crush and I slipped and kissed by mistake. I swear, I didn't even like the guy!"

  "Hm..." You frown, sighing in frustration. "I hate my life." You mumble and hear your parents at the front door.

  "Honey, we're home~ And we brought pizza!" Your hear your mother yell and you gasp. "PIZZA!!" You jump up and rush to your amazing parents.

  Now, you might be wondering why a girl with such amazing parents wants to be a villian, since usually the villian never has good parents, but outside tells a whole different story.

  People find you weird. They judge you, insult you, push you around.

  Well, welcome to the real fucking world.

  A dying planet with tons of assholes roaming about, looking for a fight while the innocent ones cower in fear. It's not fair for the weaker ones so you decided to take a stand.

  For all those weak people in need of their own hero.

  You'll be their hero.


  You watch the News and of course, you saw Mark's hideously sexy face as they complimented him for saving the day once again.

  "Blah." You stick your tongue out at the TV and shut it off, laying back in your comfy bed.

  You sigh and close your eyes, thinking until you hear a low knock at your window.

  You look at it and see the last thing  you'd ever think you'd see in all your life at your window.

  It was Mark.

  He smiles and waves kindly but your wide eyes stared at him in pure fear.

  Was he going to take you away??

  What would your parents think of you if they found out you were a villain??

  How the fuck did he even know where you lived?!

  You shakily open the window and he floats in. "Hello, my little villain~" He chuckles and sits on your bed. "No need to fear me, I'm not here to take you."

  "T-then why are you here..?" You mumble and he thinks. "Well, I'm curious. You're a human, why did you join something with powerful people? And of all the other things there were, you chose the most dangerous and made it out alive! You're incredible!"

  You pout, feeling offended in some way since he was reminding you that you were powerless.

  Not everyone was born with a power...

  "Well, it wasn't easy, heh..." You rub the back of your neck, looking down.

  Mark tilts his head a bit. "Why did you choose to be a villain?"

  You frown and look at him, getting serious. "I'm tired of the weaker ones getting hurt. Nobody helps them! Nobody cares! So I'm here for them! All of them!"

  Mark smiles slighty then chuckles, confusing you. "So, you're like... An anti-hero? Doing bad for good?" "Y-Yeah, I guess..."

  "Well, as much as I'd love to agree with you on this, you know on someone needing to be there for the weaker, but the way you're doing it is totally wrong. Be a hero, like me!" He holds out his hand for you to take. "Even better, be my partner. We can save everyone together!"

  You slowly bring your hand to his, causing him to smile more but instead you slap him, startling him.

  You frown in annoyance. "You mean like a little sidekick?" "U-uh, well--" The poor boy rubs his sore cheek and you interrupt him, "Sorry, but no. I'm no one's sidekick." You growl and his eyes widen, not really expecting everything to take a wrong turn so quickly.

  Without a warning, you quickly pin the male on your bed, glaring dangerously at him. "Listen, you dumb perfect fuck, I listen to NO ONE. I give in to NO ONE. And most of all..." You go closer to his ear. "I am nobody's sidekick..." You whisper.

  Mark tightly closes his eyes, blushing a lot from the sudden move you made.

  Even though you were about ready to kick this boy's ass, all he could think of was how hot you looked trying to overpower him.

  Also cute. After all, you were pinning a big boy with such a tiny body you have. He could easily take control any moment and do what he wanted to you.

  But of course a hero can't do that.

  It's against the rules.

  So, he waited. He waited until you ginally got off him and moved away.

  "Out." You growl, glaring daggers at him. He wasn't offended or scared, he was still a huge blushing mess. "I-I'll take my leave then." He quickly jumps out the window and you close the window.

  While he left, he continued to think of you.

  You were kind-hearted. Maybe too kind-hearted to be a villian; you could get hurt...

  A sweet, beautiful girl like you needs protection! 

  You need... A hero.

  And that's what he'll be.

  You're hero.

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