In The Forest

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Lucy ran into a deep and dark forest near Mount Hakobe as Cobra still followed her. Cobra started to laugh and repeating "You can't hide from me". Lucy his behind a tree and made sure he wasn't near her.

"Maybe splitting up wasn't such a good idea" she whispered to herself as the footsteps stopped.

"Yeah maybe it was" He said behind her as she turned around only to be greeted with a kick to her stomach making her cough blood which got on his shoes. Lucy got back up and ran away to the nearest lake she could find and jumped in and tried to swim away until cobra made all the water disappear in the lake. Lucy fell straight on her stomach and coughed up even more blood.

"Told you, you can't escape from me" he said walking to Lucy who is kneeling on the floor holding her stomach trying to catch her breathe. "No one can save you now" he said as he charged a magical force into his hands and charged it at Lucy.

Lucy closed her eyes knowing she could die, but it suddenly disappeared into thin air before it could touch Lucy. Lucy slowly opened her eyes to see a woman who looked similar to her mother appear in front of her.

"I will not let you hurt her anymore" she explained as she recited magical words which trapped him in a bubble and started to electrocute him. All you could hear was his screams of agony echoe through the forest.

Lucy got up in pain but got helped by the lady "Let's hurry that bubble won't contain him for much longer" she said as she pulled Lucy and ran away. 

With Natsu..

Natsu finally defeated Midnight and Klodoa (By defeated I mean just lost them let's just let Natsu think he defeated them.) and found himself in a deserted town.

Natsu walked around curiously wondering here people went but the only thing he could think about was Lucy. He wondered:

How is she? Is she hurt? Is she safe? Where is she?

Natsu's head filled up with all these thoughts he decided if he went to sleep the thoughts would leave his head. Natsu found an abandoned house and stayed there for the night.

With Gray..

It took Gray a little longer than expected to defeat Imitatia so he ended up trapping her in a cave. He was tired and sore from the running and the fighting.

But he wanted to find his friends but he knew he needed sleep so he found a cozy spot underneath a tree and fell asleep.

With Wendy..

Wendy and Eregor went full on and ended up almost destroying a whole town but managed to miss.

Wendy defeated Eregor by flying him into the sky far far away. But she used to much power and ended up sleeping in a field of long grass.

With Erza..

Racer was no challenge to Erza as she defeated him in one blow. Erza was really disappointed that she didn't have a full on fight.

But Erza didn't feel tired so she decided to go search for the rest of the team because she knows something bad is going to happen if she doesn't find them.

So Erza set off on a journey to the East which where Wendy and Carla was to save them.

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