Collision of Worlds

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"And this is where I work," Jillian made a pirouette in front of Always Pizza Time, concluding her tour of Abby Station. "Do you mind if we go in? I just need to pick up my paycheck."

Jillian slipped on the black sweater Shay had resisted her bringing before pushing open the door.

"Oh my god, yum!" Shay said. Jillian followed her friend's eye line over the counter to where Casey was pretending to chop a red pepper.

"Ew, no," Jillian whispered. "That's just Casey. He's way old anyway. He just graduated from Harrison State."

"I'm a college girl now, I'll take a slice of him to go." Shay said, fluffing her curls.

"Your funeral. Don't cry to me when you've got indigestion," Jillian told her.

"Come on," Shay goaded Jillian, "you're telling me you don't want a man with a beautiful jawline, pouty lips, a full head of grab-able hair, a college education and Green?"

"Green," Jillian confirmed.

"Sparkly green eyes, and you don't find him attractive?"

"Sparkly eyes?" Jillian laughed at her friend. "You make him sound like a My Little Pony."

Shay held a closed fist next to her face and flicked another finger up every time she counted a new point of defense.

"One, you used to own a million of those not too long ago," Shay listed, "two, My Little Ponys all have names that sound like delicious cocktails. Oh, and three! Where are we drinking tonight?"

"Nice segue, Shay," Jillian laughed. "I just gave you a tour of town, did you notice that there was only one bar?"

"Juan's?" Shay tried to remember. "That looked shit, we'll go to a different one."

"There are no different bars here. Just the Juan," Jillian sadly confirmed.

Jillian pointed to a small table that was as far away from the counter as possible.

"Stay here," she said, gently forcing Shay into the chair, "and stay out of trouble, I've got to run downstairs. I'll be gone 25 seconds, and I'll be able to see you on the security feed."

"Me? Trouble?" Shay batted her eyelashes, feigning innocence.

When Jillian returned Shay was leaning against the counter chatting to Casey.

"Hey, look," he was saying to her, "It's not a big deal, just a few of my friends. If you don't have anything planned, you and Jill are welcome to come."

"Shannon Marie Naas," Jillian issued a warning though gritted teeth.

"Hey Jill," Shay turned to her with a mischievous smile, "doesn't that sound like just the thing Nina needs?"

"Is Nina even coming?" She asked her friend, then turned her attention to Casey. "What are you doing here during the day anyway?"

"I swapped with Marco," Casey explained. "I'm having a party tonight. You should come."

"I don't think--"

"Jillian Olga Nagy," Shay chided.

"My middle name is not Olga," Jillian hurriedly clarified to Casey.

"This charming young man has invited us to a lovely sounding gathering, and it sounds a hell of a lot better than praying our fake IDs get us into Juan's Bar."

"Fake IDs," Casey laughed. "Why are all your friends so young?"

"My friends are age appropriate!" Jillian stammered. "You are old, and... I can see from here that the kitchen is low on onions. Go chop."

"Yes, ma'am," Casey said, winking at Jillian. "See you tonight."

Jillian grabbed Shay by the arm and dragged her bouncy personality out of 24/7 Pizza.

"You are dead to me," Jillian whispered to Shay.

"You should have brought the sequin dress out of retirement," Shay replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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