Chapter 1

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Where are you? You have to be in an interview in less than ten minutes Haley. Don’t do this again.  –Rob

I sighed as I read the message. No one seems to understand. I shoved my phone in my bag and looked up. Just to my luck, I ran straight into someone.

I groaned as a masculine voice spoke, “I am so sorry.” He bent down as I started gathering the things that spilt out of my purse and my one piece of luggage slung to the side.

“It’s fine.” I sighed. I probably sounded like a raging, rude woman. But I could care less. That is until I looked up and noticed the good looking guy who I barreled into. He was around 6’2, dark brown hair, and a smile with slight dimples that could light up the world. He was dressed in nike sweatpants and a baseball sweatshirt. But he couldn’t help to take my breath away.

After a minute or two I noticed I was staring. I blushed. Yes. I blushed. I am turning into a teenager again. I shook my head and picked up my suitcase handle. I smiled at him and walked away. But he didn’t leave my mind.

It has been years since I flew on a public plane. Yet, I couldn’t be happier to be sitting in the middle of an airplane in the economy seat. That is until Mr. Six Foot and gorgeous sat right next to me. F my life.

“Well hello, we meet again.” I could faint after seeing that smile. I haven’t crushed over a guy since I was twelve. Circumstances in my life have made that totally different until now, when I wouldn’t want anything else but to take this guy home. I really need to clear my mind. “The name is Drew.”

I smiled shaking his hand, “Ha- um Anne.” I corrected.

“Well Anne, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” He smirked. He put his bag under his seat and got out his phone putting it on airplane mode.

“So why are you headed to Atlanta at 5 in the morning?” He laughed turning to face me.

I thought of a million things I could say. “I’m running away.” “Hate my life.” “I really don’t know.” But I opted for, “I am heading home to see my parents.”

“Ah, same here.” Lovely. “Do you live in New York?” He asked. Normally I would be pissed of someone intruding, but my life is an open book. But Anne’s isn’t.

“You could say that. I live in a lot of places. What about you?” I smiled.

“Nah, I had a game here this weekend, and I decided to take a plane to see my parents instead of heading back to UCLA.” Ah, so he is a college kid. A college kid who just so happens to play baseball. Could he seriously get any more attractive? “Where do you go to school?”

So he thought I was a college girl. I wish. I would love to have that lifestyle and experience. “No, I started my career early.” I looked down at my lap and laughed to myself. I skipped a lot of things in life.

“You are mighty different Ms. Anne.” He smiled that million dollar smile.

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