One: "Lost" and "College" are synonyms

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College really isn't everything people make it out to be. Yeah, sure, it's fun and all, but I'm drowning. Right now I just have to concentrate on getting my prerequisites done. I technically I don't need to decide on a definite path for my life just yet, but I know I'll be forced to decide on a major soon. 

Hours of homework, long days at work, bills to pay, and major sleep deprivation-- that would be my summary of the College Experience for me so far. In fact, it's Friday night, well six o'clock, and I just finished my seven hour shift at work, and now I have a 3,000 word paper to write (on the major causes of manic-depression in early adulthood) that is due Monday morning-- and did I mention I've yet to start. 

I hear a knock at the door and know it's Niall. My roommate would be gone until who knows when-- she's sleeping with some guy that sells pot, and she doesn't have another class until Tuesday. I'm assuming she's living life to the fullest at the moment. 

"C'mon in Niall, it's unlocked," I half shout. He opens the door and walks in rather quietly. He knows I just got off work and also about my furiously procrastinated paper, and I guess he doesn't want to disturb me. Always so polite, that boy. 

Most girls really love the fact that the dorm floors are co-ed, but I only care because I met Niall. It sounds pathetic on my part, but he's my only friend. I had a small group of friends in high school, but they all got in to more prestigious universities than me. So they're all off probably doing five times the amount of work I'm doing and excelling at the exams and research papers to no end. I'm just grateful I met Niall, so I'm not completely friendless. He never fails to make plans when I have free time, and keep me busy when I try to sit in my dorm and sulk about all the work I have. 

I heard him tiptoe in the room closer, closer to my chair, so I wasn't completely surprised when he spun me around to face him. When I got my bearings after being spun, I saw Niall about five inches from my face with one hand behind his back. "I've got a surprise," he said as if it wasn't obvious, and smiled. "Really? I could never have guessed," I responsed, jokingly rolling my eyes. 

He quickly pulled his hand from behind his back and held out a book (one I had been wanting for a while and hadn't stopped talking about, I should add). "It's for you," he grinned, "I knew you'd been wanting it, but you've been trying to save money and stuff. And I know you've been stressed lately so maybe you could take a little break from all this bullshit and enjoy yourself." 

Before grabbing the book, I hugged his neck, and felt his initial surprise melt away as he hugged me back. When I pulled away I snatched the book from his hand, and I could've squealed from excitement; reading was one of the few ways I could relax. But before I could fully enjoy the gift I had to make sure there were no strings attached to this unwarranted present. 

"So what exactly are you expecting in return for this gift?" I questioned. "Well there is that really hot dress you have and that one restaurant down the street," he replied with a grin. "I'm being serious, Niall. What'd you want?" I watched him try to avoid the question, but he couldn't, "Alright, well, there is this little research paper I have due on Tuesday, and I still don't have any sources," and there was the answer I had been looking for. "I hope you weren't looking for a freebie, because I've got 3,000 words on a mental disorder to pull out of my a--"

"Alright I get it! I'll do it myself," Niall interrupted, "And it wouldn't be a 'freebie,' but you can keep the book, I guess," he said with his infamous little smirk. 

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