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Hey Guys, I know I havent posted since last year I just had alot of things going on in this past year... And one of those many things is bullying and sexual harassment, I'm only in 8th grade going into 9th and I already cry myself to sleep every night because of the bullying... Just like today, but you need some back story before I tell you, earlier this year I got a ruptured eardrum, Ive been taking anti-biotics To keep the pain down until I could go back to the doctors and get it fixed. So that's the back story now let me tell you what happened, in 3rd period my ear started hurting because people like to scream in the hallways while switching classes, and this pain lasted until I got home (which is right now) but in 5th period This boy TRIPPED me on PURPOSE and that just made my ear hurt more and he started apologizing like he did nothing wrong. And a few minutes later his friend had the audacity to STROKE my arm and say "Thanks Sweetie" when I handed him a book. THESE BOYS MAKE MY LIFE MISERABLE EVERY DAMN DAY! Kids like these boys make other kids want to kill themselfs and make them depressed, you don't know what is going on in their personal life, you think your trying to be funny? Well your not, and your probably making their situation worse because you are bullying them. So you can take your stuck up shit and go somewhere else. I think I'm done for school ranting now, I'm still sorry I haven't uploaded in a year, I hope I didn't bother any of you with this upload, and I hope you have a great day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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