Going back to square one

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Zak and Darryl has been together. Last year Darryl proposed for Zak and he said yes. They've been having a great time... before the argument.

Bold means past
Not bold mean present


You see Darryl accidentally bumped into zak's mom picture frame and it shattered. That was the last thing Zak had to remember her. (She died)

"It was an accident Zak! Please... calm down." Darryl walked closely to Zak and hugged him.

Zak noticed this and pushed him away. He face face was washed with anger and sadness. Tears were falling down from his cheeks.

"I don't believe you." Zak said quietly, speed walking to their room and shutting it.

It's been months and Zak was still living with Darryl. Zak misses him a lot but like..

'So what?' Zak thought. 'We will just be friends. Like square one.' He walked to the kitchen to get a drink.

There he saw Darryl on his phone eating dinner. They made eye contact for 0.0000001 seconds before looking away ashamed.

Zak got soda and he wanted to make Darryl uncomfortable for some reason. So he got a bag of chips and sat across from Darryl.

He slowly started eating his chips. He giggled a little bit making Darryl smile.

"God I miss that giggle." Darryl said smiling at Zak. Zak looked at him and smiles.

"Hey wanna start all over..?" Zak asks. Darryl looked at him with a 'what do you mean by that?' Face. Zak starts to laugh a little bit.

"Just starts at square one." He said. "And what is that?" Darryl asks.

Zak groans. "Let start all over as friends."

That word broke Darryl heart in half. He didn't like this.

"No!" Darryl yelled. Zak flinched. "I wanna go back together! I miss hugging you! I miss kissing you! I miss us!" Darryl said tears welling up in his eyes.

Zak sighed. He got up and walked to darryl. He placed a hand on Darryl's cheeks.

"I'm sorry Darryl. I can't move on." Zak said.

Italics: future

"Easy for you to say." Darryl mumbled tears welling up in his eyes.

He stood in front of a grave. He suddenly felt a pull...

"Daddy? Who's this?" The boy asks. Darryl smiles at him sadly.

"It's just one of daddy's friend.. I miss him a lot." Darryl said.

"Darryl let's go!" Darryl's love one said.

"I'm coming!" Darryl said. He picked up his little boy and run to his love one.

"Finally your here Cmon! We have to make dinner." His love one said.

"Ok ok Zak!" Darryl said laughing.

Darryl loves Zak and his son named Elijah. He would risk his life for them.

"I love you all." He said hugging and kissing Zak and Elijah while walking.

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