The Fall Down

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"Please don't! Please no!" I scream out to the black masks taking my wife. "Please let her go! She's done nothing wrong!"
"You will silent yourself!" "She is a terrorist. She shall get what she deserves."

They proceeded to take her away, handcuffs, blindfolded, and gagged. Ten years ago our city and probably the rest of the world was taken over by the, executives that's what they called themselves. Everyday us civilians lived in fear of what more they will do to us, my name is Aubriyah I met my wife when we were 19 years old.
She was my best friend, my closest confidant I don't think I could've survived all of this without her. Jacee that's her name she hates it, so we call her Jay for short the love of my life was stripped out of my arms.
The executives deemed her a terrorist for getting "felons" off, she's a lawyer and the best one at that the only one who doesn't have a price. The only one that can not be paid off by the executives I tell her how risky it is to not do and give them what they want.
She's stronger than me I fear for our safety and our family, but she continues to give me strength and hope that one day the recovery will happen. The recovery is our last hope, it's an underground team of people who plan to fight back one day. It's only a myth to some people but my wife she has hope in them so that makes me have faith in them as well.
We have two children, Micah and Messiah they're 5 and 7 they're so young and innocent to everything. I worry for my children I only want happiness to come to their lives and pray the recovery comes before they meet of age. Of age is what I fear most for my two sons, when a boy turns 16 they are known to be "of age" they recruit them to be in the black masks and God above I pray that day won't come.
Only bad comes out of that, the Johnson's boys became uncontrollable killers, the feeling of power overtook their minds and believes they are above law. That's all of black masks army, comes into homes steal, rapes, and beats innocent men and women everyday.
I keep our doors locked and stay up in my room along with the boys, Jacee tends to stay in her office to work on cases during night, but she's not delirious to the crimes that's been happening. She keeps protection with her at all times, I love how she's fearless to the black masks even though it can be dangerous but she doesn't care.
For what seemed like forever it's been only an hour since they took jacee away from me, I usually miss her when she's at work but I know now she might not come back. That scared me most of all not knowing when she's coming back.
"Where's mommy?" "Messiah?! Why are you up?" "Mommy didn't come to tell me my stories." "I know sweetheart she'll be home later, get back in bed." "Good night mommy." As Messiah walks to bed my eyes fill with tears, lying to my children has to be the hardest thing I had to do. How can I tell my children their mother might not come back in the morning?
I must've over slept, waking up I hear noises coming from the kitchen. "Who can be here?" I ask myself in fear but worry as well. "Hello?" "Who's here?" "Show yourself!" "Well hello my dear sister how did you sleep?" My older sister Marie I sigh in relief it's not a black mask. "How did you get in here Marie ?" "You scared me half to death." "If you must know Jacee called me last night." "She told what had happened, I'm sorry."
Marie's face changes to a sadden look, I hate that face it gives me a chill feeling to my body. "I'm okay Marie thank you." We embrace each other and as I feel warmth from a loved one I immediately cry, there's a feeling of weakness from my body. I fall down to my knees crying bursting out in tears. "SHE'S DONE NOTHING WRONG!" "THEY TOOK HER MARIE AND I WANT HER BACK!" My sister catches me and leads me to the floor still holding me. "It's alright Aubri, she's a tough one you know that." Marie is right she is. "Plus you know Jacee is giving them a run for their money." She starts to laugh and so do I, Jacee is known for not giving people an easy time. I miss her what seems to be forever is only a day.
A month has passed and Jacee still has not returned nor has been in contact with me, I feel hopeless it's been aching to know whether my wife is alive or not. "Mommy what are you looking at?" I was dozing off again. "Nothing sweetheart mommy is just thinking." " Is about mom?" Micah is my 7 year old, he's a clever boy he can see his way through bullshit. Just like his mother, it makes me miss her more because I see her in him. "Yes I'm thinking about mom, I just miss her that's all." "Will she back?" My chest tightens up. "Yes mommy will be back." Micah hugs me tightly and leaves to play with his brother in the living room. I hear a knock at the door as I walk to answer, I notice the boys staring at the door with a blank but yet a look of fear in their eyes. "What is it guys?"
As I continue to answer I open the door, I stand in fear as well now not able to move my feet. "Hello Mrs. Levine" it's a black mask soldier at my door. Still unable to get my words out he proceeds to speak. " I am here to deliver this to you." He hands me a box and an envelope taped to it addressed to me. "What is it?" I gained some type of words to say. "I am not to disclose that ma'am have a nice day."
He walks away and I stand in confusion but also relief, I shut the door and make my way back to the kitchen staring at the mystery box. I grip its corners hoping for the best but fearing for the worse, this has executives written all over it. I take off the envelope from the top and I rip it open, inside is a letter and a key. The letter reads.
"Hello Mrs. Levine, I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Lola Munford, I am writing to you today because I have your wife and she is safe with me. I am one of the leaders from the recovery, please follow the instructions on the back of this letter. "LET NO ONE KNOW!"
My hands are shaking from the letter, I am filled with mixed emotions happiness and fear. My wife is alive! I just don't understand why it took a whole month for someone to tell me. Who lets a family worry for that long, as I calm myself down and take everything in. I notice the directions on the back of the letter.
Step 1: Take the key and go to the address listed. 773 Bay view Dr.
Step 2: Go to the cashier named "Al" he will take you to the storage unit 888.
Step 3: Once alone unlock the storage unit and take whatever necessary for you and your boys. Proceed to gather up your essentials and tell Al "Recovery" once this is done he will have a car ready for you and your kids.
In the box is a phone with one number saved call this number when everything is prepared.
My mind starts racing with questions, I just don't understand if Jacee was alive this whole time why didn't she try to contact me? I haven't felt so angry with her before until now. I don't get it did she not want to talk to me? Does she not care about her family's safety?! I keep running all these unending thoughts in my head but I knew it was deeper I knew it was more to the story. Where is my wife? What have they done to her?

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