♡ Chapter Eleven ♡

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* Edited *

“If you want to prove to me that you love my son and are loyal to our family, then I'm gonna need you to kill her.”

My gaze flicks between Lizzie and the knife Verna is holding out for me. I frown nervously and shake my head, now feeling my panic and conflict rise within me. I can’t kill Lizzie, I just can’t. “Please, she is - was my friend.” I plead with Verna, hoping that she will show some compassion and understanding in this moment towards me. She sighs heavily and drops her head with a disappointed look in her eyes.

Lizzie cries in the chair as we speak, watching me anxiously as though she is convinced that I'm capable of killing her.

Does she honestly believe I'd choose Jed over her?

I feel tears build in my eyes as the realisation hits me. The realisation that Lizzie and I are no longer friends. No longer as close as sisters and no longer in positions where we wholeheartedly trust one another. We’re breaking apart, both as individuals and as friends. Our bond has been severed these last few days. We are different people now with different beliefs and concerns.

But did that make me want to choose Jed over her? No. Would I kill her to save myself? No. Am I capable of taking her life even after all we have been through together? God, I hope not.

“I’m giving you a chance here, darlin’. Kill her and stay here with Jed or choose your friend and share the same fate.”

Why isn’t Jed speaking up? Why isn’t he telling her how wrong this is?

I run a hand down my face and take a deep breath. This can’t be real. Please don’t let this be real. “I can’t... I won’t--” I feel a hand slip into mine as I try to stutter out a reasonable and honest response.

His touch is soft and thoughtful as I glance down to our interlaced hands before looking up and meeting Jed’s ocean blue eyes. He looks scared, and that alone tears through my heart with unimaginable guilt.

I know I’m the root of his concerns and fears. It’s obvious in the way his hand subtly tightens around mine, and his eyes plead silently for me to sacrifice my friend.

He wants me here and alive with him. He wants me safe. Yet, my safety is at risk right now, thanks to his dangerous family. I know that he doesn’t agree with their proposal; he despises it judging by the expression on his face. But that doesn’t help me in this moment. If anything, it makes all this harder for me as I speak from my heart.

“You say family is the most important thing, and I agree with you. Family is everything, especially in a world as cruel as the one we live in.” I turn my head to look at Jed sadly as tears pool in my green eyes.

They fall as I lean forward and press my lips to his gently, savouring the feel of him against me. I pull back slowly and lean my head against his, leaving our faces only inches apart. He closes his eyes and breathes heavily, clearly trying to prepare himself for whatever it is I'm about to say.

“She is my family, Jed.” I whisper loud enough for everyone to hear, though my words are only directed to the man opposite me. I feel his body tense, making my heart rate quicken. Anxiety eats away at me as I watch him open his eyes and nod silently, accepting my answer.

He understands completely. He realises that I'm saying a reluctant goodbye to him in this moment. That I’m choosing my friend over myself and the feelings I harbour for him.

It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

Verna sighs and drops her head at my words. She looks just as disappointed and  just as hurt as Jed does. “I’m sorry, baby.” I mumble to Jed as Nubbins grabs me and pulls me back roughly; following Verna’s instruction to do so.

His Anchor -Jedidiah Sawyer. (Leatherface)Where stories live. Discover now