Chapter 9

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Once I caught up to him, we bent down in the bush that I had hid in the day before when the angry neighbors were interrogating Kyle.

"See any lights?" he quietly me, as we squinted down at the big brick house.

It was a hard question to answer considering it was eight o'clock in the morning and the sun was shining. Lina told me it might rain today, and I was honestly hoping for it. It rained a lot on this continent.

"No, hear anything?" I replied.

He shook his head.

"I'm honestly stuck. Is there even a right way to go about this Kyle? There have to be at least six people in that house and we know two of them are the guys who took you, one is the guy who messed with me, and the girl who was taken hostage. There's no way they don't have any back up." I complained.

"When I was in there yesterday, they put me in the basement. You were in the upstairs wine cellar right?" he asked. "

If by upstairs you mean not in the basement, then yes."

"I saw a door down there, I know they left after they tied me up down there. I was already running low on energy so they probably thought they could just leave me there too bleed out, so they didn't tie me too tightly. When I got out of the ropes, I saw this other door, it looked almost like tornado shelters you'd see in the Midwest back home. It just doesn't make any sense considering tornados don't happen anywhere else but America." He explained.

"Well who cares if it makes any sense. That's a way for us to get in." I got excited.

"And do what, Alex? Have we planned what we're gonna do yet? I'm ninety nine percent positive the answer is no." Kyle snapped.

"So what? Obviously we're following the make the rules as we go pattern here, so why not just keep with it?" I shrugged.

"Fine, but we sure as hell aren't confronting any people." Kyle cracked a few of his fingers.

"But what about the hostages?" I asked.

"You mean the girl we know nothing about and the guy who probably could've killed you if he wanted to?" Kyle snapped and looked into my eyes.

He had a point.

"Alright fine, what should we do? Sleuth for clues?" I rolled my eyes.

"Exactly." Kyle stood up and hurried across the street.

"What?" I asked myself.

I always seemed to be hurrying after him, I was ever prepared for what he wanted to do.

"I was totally kidding by the way." I ran up next to him.

"Well it was a good idea. If anywhere has the information we need, it's the scene of the crime, Alex."

"Um, or the mayor who we're going to see tonight." I threw up a hand.

"I'm not going to that."

"Yes you are." I snapped.

He really didn't have a choice. Lina was absolutely right, the mayor was a big advocate in a small town like this.

"Although, if we are just looking for clues, I suppose we could come back another time." His walking slowed down.

"Oh hell no. I did not wake up this early for nothing." Stopping in front of him.

"It wasn't even early." He rolled his eyes.

"Besides, wouldn't you rather be here knowing that they aren't home and then walking I when we're unprepared. And sure they could randomly come into the basement now, but at least we're prepared. Well... we have the mindset anyway." I said.

Kyle looked down at me and examined my face for a few seconds, he sighed and his breath ran over my face and I took a small step back.

"Good point." He said.

I smiled in excitement and turned back around. We continued walking until we reached the side of the house. We stood there looking around for a second.

"Well what the hell do we do now?"

"The door was near the back of the house, I remember coming in through the doors we left out of." Kyle grabbed my wrist again.

"You know you could just tell me to follow you instead grabbing me like I'm your disobedient child." I snapped, trudging behind him.

"But you are a disobedient child." He smirked at me.

"Not yours." I replied.

We came up to the corner of the house, and Kyle peered around, making sure no one was outside. While he did that, I tilted my head back as far as it could go, making sure no one was at the windows.

"Alright, there it is." He whispered.

"Right inside the doors there's all that empty space before the rows actually start. I ran in and out of both of them until I got to the end. I remember seeing a hallway at the end of one of them." I said quietly.

We didn't say another word. Kyle and I simultaneously took a step around the house and creeped inside the open doors. I took a breath and signaled Kyle to follow me. We silently walked passed rows, looking for the mysterious hallway. I stopped walking and stared at the dimly lit hallway for a minute.

"I'm only getting older, Alex," Kyle snapped.

I glared at him, and we made our way down the aisle and the hallway. A big brown door sat in front of us. Kyle placed his ear up against it and we both held our breath.

"I don't hear anything. Find the first thing you can to hide behind and don't make any noise," He instructed.

"Going somewhere?" I asked.

"Yeah, the other direction."

"You want us to split up?" My eyes almost fell out of my head.

He nodded.

"That is actually the worst idea I have ever heard." I put my hands on my hips and watched his face.

"We don't need to be in here too long. We should take having two sets of eyes as an advantage. We'll gather more information if we each get our own and then combine." He didn't let me say anything after that.

He opened the door, pulled me out, then started speed walking down the left hallway. I hurried to shut the door behind me and just watched as Kyle left me, knowing I couldn't say anything. I took the other end of the hallway and walked slowly. There were doors lining every inch, and I had no way of knowing what was occupied.

Near the end of the hallway by the window, a door was open, the light from the grey sky pouring out. I tried to slow down my breathing as I edged against the wall until I was standing next to the doorframe. I held my breath and listened. No talking, no moving, no heart beats... not even a clock. Deciding that everything would be fine, I slipped into the room and stood on the other side of the door.


Yayayayaya! I could actually think of something to write haha. Well I heart this chapter and the next so prepare yourself. I'M GETTING SO HAPPY WITH THIS STORY WOWZA WOWZA, THANKS FOR THE READS ILYGSM

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