Chapter 1.2

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The main street was full of buyers. Next month the great "Rinne Festival" would be celebrated in the Hidden Leaf Village. Originally, it had been a solemn festival to offer a prayer for the souls of those who had passed away. But with time, it's meaning had gotten lost. Up to the point where it has become a festive event in which families and friends get together to exchange gifs.
Among all the people walking down the street, the figure of Hinata could be seen walking out of a shop, her face resembled happiness and her cheeks were lightly blushed. She was walking away, making her way between the crowd, while hugging against her chest one paper bag in which some red coloring thread could be seen on the top of the bag.
Chōji, Shikamaru and Ino had gone to visit Kurenai's house. They had brought birthday presents for Mirai, the little child that Asuma Sarutobi Sensei could not meet before passing away.
- Sorry, eh? And thank you...
- Two years already? Time sure passes by quickly...
A smile of absolute happiness was now on Kurenai's face, one of those smiles that only a mother could make, as she listened to Shikamaru. Surely no one would think, looking at this lovely mother, that on the past she had been a Jounin grade ninja.
Kurenai was also extremely grateful at knowing  the deep respect which Asuma's students showed, even today, for her and her daughter.
- Mirai looks a lot like Asuma Sensei - said Chōji as he looked at a photo of Asuma, meanwhile Kurenai, was tightly hugging her daughter, rubbing her cheeks, showing just how much she loved her.
That night, Naruto was eating ramen at Ichiraku's. He was swallowing a bowl of hot ramen along side some students of the Academy, all sitting at the counter.
- Go ahead guys! Today I'm inviting, so eat what you want!
- Naruto Senpai!
- You're a wonderfull teacher... yeah! You have become someone really famous... - teased Kiba who, by mere coincidence, was also there.
Kiba Inuzuka was accompanied by Akamaru, his giant ninja dog, also eating ramen, at a small table a little far away. He was seated with his teammate Shino Aburame.
- Naruto likes ramen... that is why he is always here, at Ichiraku's.
- Yes! This ramen is so good! I can eat it three times a day! - Naruto answered with a smile at the stupid question of Shino.
- I thought you would be here! - a familiar voice sounded. When Naruto heard the voice that came from outside the place, he saw that it was Konohamaru.
- Naruto nii-chan, I have something very important for you. You have to come to see it!
Konohamaru Sarutobi was the grandson of the fourth Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. Naruto had a huge debt of gratitude with Hiruzen, since he rescued him from the darkness and teach him when he was nothing more than a orphan. Konohamaru, as an adorable student as he was, also had a great respect for Naruto, to whom he treated like his older brother.
Konohamaru said he had something he wanted to give to Naruto, who accepted the invitation and followed him to the Sarutobi House. In one of the corners of the huge place, an storage room had been built. He opened the heavy door and went into the darkness. A strong smell of mold and closedown collapsed his sense of smell.
- Wait a moment! I'll bring something to light up here.
After hearing a match sound, a candle lit up the place. Konohamaru dragged an old wooden box from one of the corners of the storage room and placed in front of Naruto. 
- These are all belongings of my late grandfather Hiruzen... I found them while doing some cleaning in here.
When Konohamaru opened the top of the box, he found a lot of personal items as books, papers and supplies for writing letters. 
- As you can see, most of it is trash. But... grandfather put something in here which I think it's important to you.
- Something important? For me?
- This.
- Konohamaru then took out a paper bag.
Hinata had locked herself into her bedroom, knitting a red scarf. She was advancing with her job, placing all her feelings into every knot. When she felt tired, she would look at the shredded scarf which was her company. It was the same scarf Naruto had wrapped around his neck the first day they had meet. Ever since that day, Naruto had become an object of adoration for herself. And as she was growing, the feeling had turned bigger and bigger inside her heart.
- What can be Naruto doing right now?
Every time she had doubted on her missions, every time she had doubted about her own ninja path, she had always thought about Naruto. And by doing so, she felt as if Naruto was giving her a small push behind her back.
Naruto had always shown Hinata the path to follow, she wanted, somehow, to be able to transmit her growing affection and her gratitude feelings.
With a calendar nearby, it was only one month to go until the Rinne Festival. So Hinata began to work again on the scarf.
Few days later, Naruto was walking trough a busy street with Konohamaru by his side. He had under one arm what it appeared to be two presents, very handsomely wrapped. He had gotten them from two girls who told him they were great fans, one as they were going up a hill in a residential area, and the other in front of a house bath.
<<But there is one month to go for the festival. If I'm already receiving gifts, what are they going to leave for when the festival comes?>>
- This is just as I expected from my Naruto nii-chan.
<<How can you say it so easily>>
As soon has he catched his breath, he was already surrounded by female voices.
- Naruto senpai! May you have a happy festival!
A group of girls did nothing more than gave Naruto presents, each one more flashy than the last, as they yelled <<Naruto! Naruto Senpai>> between tears.
- Ah yes, yes... the festival... Thank you!
Naruto felt dizzy after receiving more and more gifts. When Naruto and his fans had disappear, Sakura walked in from a secondary street with a bag of purchases on her hands. On that same moment, the bell from a hand craft store sounded and Hinata walked out of it, hugging a bag with red wool threads. She had already spend the ones she had purchased the last time, so she got out to buy some more.
- Hi Hinata!
- Sakura!
Both girls had meet by chance halfway alone the street.
- Red thread? Are you knitting something? Mmm how suspicious..
- I am making a scarf.
- So... a scarf uh?
Then, right at that moment Sakura saw a giant poster with huge letters reading "Rinne Festival".
In an instant Sakura solved the equation on her head... Hinata + festival + red knit scarf = a gif for Naruto! After so long Hinata had finally decided to take a step forward in her relationship with Naruto.
- Keep up!
- Ah?
- Isn't all this for a gift for him?
Hinata did not need to open her mouth to answer that, her eyes looking down and a full red face, was more than enough answer. Sakura liked Hinata's seriousness and sincerity, because she did not wanted to see her cry. So Sakura decided to give her friend support for this love adventure.

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