Rose pov 

                           I sat silently on my flowery bed sheets. The were roses with a thorn in the middle and Each rose was connected. It was a symbol of people coming together. I wished everyone would come together, but my father said that it used to be that way until the winners of the 74 hunger games ruined it. Their names were Peeta and katniss mallark. They were both repulsive mutts from what I've heard. Father silently crept into my bedroom and bowed before me. We weren't allowed to hug one another, as it was affection that causes snags for troubling times. "Rose," father spoke calmly with a stern tone getting my attention before finishing his sentence. "think it's time you are trained to use a bow. So I went out and bought you this.." He pulled a brand new bow out from behind his back and handed it to me. It had a shiny polish over its chestnut colored  upper and lower limbs. The arrows that came with the bow were sharp with quill feathers at the end of each and every one of them. "Thank you, father" I replied with gratification. "Go along now, you can practice outside in the courtyard." I hopped off my bed and started to exit my room with my bow in my hands with the arrows slung over my shoulder when my father cheered his throat. I turned to look at him "Could you get me a newspaper from the town before you play with your bow?" My father asked. "Yes, sir" I called out and sauntered out of the house.
                        I walked through the cloisters and down curvy walkway then paused at the entrance of the gloomy Forrest. I was always forbidden to go into the woods because it connects with the pathways that the peasants use. It wasn't like I was going to run into anybody since it was  midday and most people were working, if there were people left. I'm smart enough to run anyways if I find anyone and I did have my bow on me , I thought  as I continued to walk towards the trees. I trudged into the woods being careful not to  lose sighing of the path I was on, but soon enough I got distracted. I touched to string of the bow. The string was tough, which meant it was made from rawhide. Shortly, I reached out and grabbed a single arrow for the bag and set it into place between the bow and string. I pulled as hard as I possibly could onto the arrow and It pulled a little before the arrow rocketed off , sinking into the damp soil. Using a bow was harder than it looked. I reached out to retrieve my arrow when I caught onto something that moved in the corner of my eye. I glanced up to see a person. About 10 feet away from me was what looked liked to be a 5'10"  man with ashy blonde hair, stock lit build, pale skin and blue eyes that matched mine almost too perfectly.  My worried eyes met his and in a panic, I fled the other way down the path, dodging trees left and right. I ran as fast as my body could carry me, not bothering to look back. The mad had yelled out something, but I had figured it wasn't important.
                    Soon I made it out of the woods and looked around. There wasn't much except for some bushes. I spotted a sign that said, Welcome To Mancheter. Huffing and panting like a dog, I continued to look for a newspaper.  Later, after walking around for some time, I found a store with newspapers in the inside of the window with a small sign that was labeled ¢10.when I entered the store, the clerk was sitting on a chair looking at a magazine, not paying mind to me, so I set the money on the counter and took one newspaper and silently walked out into the streets again. As I walked I pulled the newspaper out from under my arm and and examined at it. I was baffled at what it said on the front.


"Father, why is my last name mallark, and yours is diffrent? Was I adopted?"
*hesitantly thinks*"No, your name was your mothers. It's nothing you should worry about at this time."

A pit of worry dropped into my stomach as thoughts flurried into my mind and stung my brain Was father lying to me? He couldn't be lying. They were filthy lying mutts, and my father was a loyal trustworthy man, why would he ever lie to me? I thought to myself finding my way back to the woods.

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