Chapter 8

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When I get home from work, I notice Jess is gone, probably at work. Even though she's got a crazy side, she can be responsible when she needs to be.

I look at the papers Harry had given me earlier. I have the band's schedule, and my work will be divided into weeks. This week, I have to sort out details for four different promotional events, as well as coordinate recording time in the studio.

The rest of the evening is uneventful. I go to bed early after watching three episodes of Lost. The next few days are spent busily shuffling through papers and making phone calls to radio stations, caterers, and limousine services. On Thursday, when I get to work, Harry leads me into the recording studio.

"I have a new project for you," he begins. "We are working on a new album for the Five Seconds of Summer boys, and we are going to try and venture away from the style of the first album. I want you to help Luke figure out his harmonies for some of the new songs, and help with figuring out other background vocals. I figured with your vast musical background, you would have no problem helping with this task."

I feel something in the pit of my stomach at the mention of Luke's name. "Yeah, that sounds awesome." I tell him.

"Great. I'll send Luke in." Harry turns to leave. I pick up one of the guitars sitting in the studio and practice finger-picking some augmented and diminished chords. The studio is small, but cozy. There's a mini fridge in the back of the room and not many chairs. The musician's area is much nicer. There are four guitars and three basses, as well as two drum sets and quite a few places to sit. I would love to record something myself one day.

"I didn't know you were a guitarist." I whip my head around to see a tall man with long legs walking towards me. Luke.

I set down the guitar and laugh. "And I didn't know you were listening." I pay a little too much attention to the way his tongue readjusts his lip-ring. He must notice because he turns his head away and awkwardly coughs. I hope he doesn't think I'm trying to flirt with him. Yes, he's attractive, but nothing could ever come of us, or anyone in the agency, for that matter. I don't understand why anyone would put their job on the line for someone else.

"Um, okay." I awkwardly begin. "So, I hear you're more of a melody guy, and you need my help with harmonies on the new album?" I ask. He chuckles and sits down next to me, picking up the guitar I had just set down.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." He starts playing, and I really am impressed.

"We have about ten songs for the new album so far, but most of them aren't finished. We just have some basic melodies and chords." I nod. I see I am needed to help develop these songs further.

"Well, what's the first one you need help with?" I ask. At this rate, we aren't going to get anything done.

"It's called Amnesia."

"Amnesia?" I ask. That seems like a weird name for a song by a rock band.

"Yeah, it's about a broken past relationship. The singer wants to forget everything from his past with this girl. Even though the memories were great, the pain of it all is so much that he would rather forget everything good than live with the pain."

He starts finger-picking a basic pattern on a D-chord. I am just about to complement his playing when he begins to sing. I feel my mouth open and my heart drops to my stomach. He has an absolutely incredible voice. It's slightly raspy and punk, yet beautifully smooth. I stare at his fingers moving across the frets when he plays the chorus. His hands are so powerful as his fingers run across the strings with the rhythm of the song. He looks so attractive just sitting here, playing and singing. His black t-shirt has almost no contrast from his black jeans, but they accentuate his prominent muscles beneath the dark fabric. Thoughts of his torso without the dark covering start to fill my mind and I feel my stomach drop.

Before I know it, the song is over too soon.

"Well, what do you think? Obviously it sounds different when all the guys are singing too and it's sort of basic right now but I think this one has a lot of potential."

I nod. "Yeah, this one's gonna be big. The lyrics are so beautiful, who wrote them?"

"Well, I wrote most of them." My eyes widen. Oh my gosh. This guy is so talented, and super hot. I feel a heat growing in my stomach as I look at his large shoulders and biceps, then his torso, and my eyes keep moving...

I snap out of it when Luke says, "Yeah, I really need some help figuring out a harmony for myself while Calum sings the melody. Michael almost always sings harmonies, so this is new for me."

"Well, when I sang in my high school band, I usually sang harmonies, so lucky for you, I will be of some help." I tell him. He smiles and looks down into his lap.

"So, how about you start the song again, and sing the melody, while I sing some harmonies and show you what it could sound like."

Luke starts singing again and I feel goosebumps rise from my skin, not just from his voice. I join in on the second verse, singing a harmony two whole-steps above the note he's singing. As soon as the first word escapes my mouth, Luke lifts his head and looks at me. He stares at my lips and I can feel myself blushing, but I keep singing. His eyes stay on my lips for the rest of the verse. I love that he is looking at me this way.

By the end of the song, he says, "Wow, you have a beautiful voice." I smile and thank him.

We finish for the day, and while putting the guitars away, Luke asks, "So, are you going to the company party on Friday?" Company party?

"I hadn't heard about it." I feel slightly embarassed that I wasn't invited. I guess because I am just an assistant that I am not viewed very highly.

Luke looks surprised. "Well, you should definitely come. If anyone gives you trouble about showing up, tell them I invited you." He winks.

A company party would be really fun, and it would provide me with some great connections. I decide I'll go. But, worry quickly hits me; I have to get a dress.

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