Drishti 's confession 😱😱

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Rakshit - Drishti ... he shouted and pushed her and the shot hit him ... he fell on the ground .. everybody got attendant guards  run toward the whole family and drishti to cover them ... everything froze for one second than everybody shouted... 

Drishti / mahima / smarth - Rakshit ... 

Shikhar / divya / romi - bhai 

Everybody shouted and ran toward rakshit .. 

Drishti - joy bring the car now... and romi bring family member with you... FAST ... 

Rakshit was loosing his conscious .. drishti and her guard made them sit in the car drishti place rakshit head on her lap and continuously patting his cheeks .. she was worried like a hell ... 

Drishti - what is the need to take the bullet on yourself are you some kind of hero or superman than to save heroine 's life you took bullet on yourself .. What is the need of doing that ... what if something happen to you .. who will take care of aunty , shikhar , divya, shivya and what about me ? what will I do without you ..  she realise what  she said and looked everywhere but not at his face.. Rakshit was happy by hearing her small confession .. 

Rakshit - I am already in pain and here you are scolding me .. how rude ....  he said to divert her mind from the little confession .. 

Drishti - I am sorry .. we are just reaching hospital you will be fine soon .. DRIVE FAST ... she said to the driver  /... 

Soon they  reach hospital everybody also reached their doctor take rakshit to the ICU ... they started operating him ... everybody was tensed and mahima , smarth , divya went to the temple to pray for rakshit's safety .. drishti was moving here and there due to tension in the hospital corridor , romi and shikhar were sitting in the chair ... joy came there.... 

Joy - Queen we have catch the person who shot the bullet .. 

Drishti - how this happen I clearly told you about the safety .. than how this happen .. what you all were doing .. For this I am paying you all .. I specially told you to take care of the security than what happened .. she shouted on them in anger .. romi and shikhar came toward her and side hug her and try to calm her down .. 

Joy - Sorry queen ... 

Romi - di relax this is hospital .. please don't shout ... please calm down .. joy go from here and find out who was behind this act .. 

Joy - okay .. 

Shikhar - bhabi please calm down .. everybody need you .. please calm down bhai need you .. you have to control your anger .. 

Soon few hour pass all were waiting outside the ICU .. than doctor came , everybody rushed toward him .. 

Drishti - how is he doctor ? 

Rakshit - he is out of danger now .. he got shot on his right shoulder which will took some days to cure and he is not allowed to move his right hand ..he gain his consciousness ... you can meet him but one by one .. everybody went to meet him one by one first mahima followed by shikhar than divya than smarth and than romi but drishti didn't went to meet him .. she just watch him from the glass window but didn't went to meet him .. here inside rakshit was meeting with everybody but his eyes were searching for only one person but no one came ..he was now getting restless that drishti didn't came to meet him .. 

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