It's that day. That day in that month. That month in that year. It's our wedding day. Everything has been perfect up to this point, and I pray to God that it stays this way.
My dress was the most beautiful dress I can ever remember seeing. I had a little studded tiara in a big up-do that was connected to my laced veil. All my thoughts were the same.
~'This is the perfect day.'
~'Nothing can go wrong.'
~'It's my day, so I better make the most of it.'
We were at home being the same as every other new married couple. In the kitchen cooking dinner together kissing hopelessly and effortlessly just having a good time. But that didn't last long at all. It was then that Donny's pains started again. And we both knew exactly what was happening. We immediately called 911 and rushed to the hospital.
Now is the Time Of Death.It was in the ER. They were trying to remove what they believed was a tumor messing with every organ in his body. That's funny... 'Trying'... They let a new doctor in there, and he popped a hole in his heart. Which also popped a hole in mine, that will NEVER heal.. It was 12:37am. We were there since 7 the night before. And it finally happened...