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Team 7 are training and they all decide to go for a swim. Sasuke pushes Naruto into the water and reveals a two surprising facts about Naruto.



It all started when Sakura-chan decided to suggest the terrible suggestion of swimming. Sasuke agrees with his usual "Hn" and Sakura goes all over him to me displeasure. Kakashi-Sensei goes along with it as well so I'm screwed. I don't know how to swim no one's ever taught me and I have no want to know how. It scares me to be honest... the villagers used to throw me in the water as a way to hurt me. It worked. Anyway, right now we are walking to the river every step I take the more panicked I get.

"Naruto are you alright you look pale" Kakashi seemed to notice my displeasure and fidgeting on our way to the water.

"I'm fine Kakashi-Sensei, BELIEVE IT!" I say my signature catch phrase and start running to the water. Sasuke notices my sprint and runs after me.

"I won't let you beat me dobe!" Sasuke yells after me.

"I will and you better believe it!" I keep running and make it to the clearing of water. I hardly notice Sasuke creeping up behind me and getting ready to push me in. I only notice when he pushes me into the water. I let out a terrified yelp and see the shock in Sasuke's face while being submerged in the water. I realize when I'm in the water that it's relaxing. I feel the pushing and pulling of the water around me. Swaying me back and forth. But only thirty seconds later I notice a large familiar pain in my chest. My chest feels tight fighting for air. I start to thrash my arms and legs, trying to reach the surface for air. Bt it only seems I'm getting deeper. I can't take the pain and tightness in my chest and gasped for air. But all I get is water. I start choking underwater and I lose consciousness.

I see Sasuke push Naruto in the water and hear the terrified shriek. That's not a normal scream to hear when someone's push in the water. That was pure terror. Something a child Naruto's age shouldn't experience. I sprint to Sasuke and see no sign of Naruto.

"Where is he" I ask, not minding the panic lacing the question. He looks up fearfully at me and points in the water. I take my Jonin vest off with speed and dive into the water. Lacing my lungs with chakra while I'm at it. I can't let the son of my Sensei die like this. I swim around looking for any sign of that orange knucklehead ninja but see no sign of him. I go deeper and finally see a flash of orange. I swim faster and see that it is Naruto that I saw. I pick him up sensing that he is limp. I look down at him and realize that he looks rather peaceful. Peaceful as in dead. "Please don't be dead..." I repeat as if I were cheering. I break the surface of the water and pull Naruto out onto the grass. I start doing CPR while Sakura and Sasuke looking down at Naruto in a panic. I keep doing CPR for 3 minutes and he gasps for air. He opens his eyes and screams and backs away from us while mumbling something we couldn't hear. All I could say was that he was terrified.

"Sasuke, Sakura give him room" I say when I notice they were approaching Naruto. I let Naruto's frenzie calm down and I walk towards him when I think he's "himself" again. I feel Sasuke and Sakura trailing behind wanting to know why he reacted that way.

"Naruto...?" I say nervously "Are you alright?" He looks startled at my question but answers.

"Yeah... I'm fine... cold but alright Kakashi-Sensei" he says with a tremble in his voice.

"Do you want to explain what happened there..." I trail off not knowing what to say. He looks up at me filled with panic.

"What do you mean Sensei?" he asks innocently. "He's clearly trying to avoid the topic" I thought to myself.

"You were obviously panicking when you say us and I want to know why Naruto" I get straight to the point. I need to know why he acted in such a way. He's my student and I care for him. He shows a look that tells me he will explain. I motion for Sakura and Sasuke to sit down.

"It's okay Naruto... we won't laugh if that's what your worried about..." Sakura says hesitantly.

"Thanks Sakura-chan...." he waits a moment and starts to explain. "When I was younger... the villagers came up with a game to pull me under water a-almost d-drowning me every time.... I guess seeing you guys h-hovering over me a-after that resurfaced some old memories...." I feel terrible. I didn't even know that this happened to Naruto in his younger years. If I had the chance I'd kill all those villagers who dared to do this.

"What the hell! I'll kill them!" Sasuke yells.

"It's okay Sasuke that was the past... I don't care anymore..." Naruto say quietly.

"Hn" Answers Sasuke. All I was thinking at that moment was to get Naruto warm and safe from harm. I'm sure Sasuke and Sakura were thinking the same too.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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