Chapter One

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I watched as trees and telephone poles flew by the care as my mom drove me from the airport to our new home. One I didn't want but I had to have for my well-being.

You see, I'm a werewolf. I don't have a pack. Most white wolves don't. That's just how it goes I guess.

I'm a white wolf, meaning I was hand picked by the moon goddess herself and am destined to do great things. Or so everyone keeps telling me.

All the alphas we're chasing me from where I used to live. Trying to make me their Luna. I'm 17, you're 38, no thank you.

So to get away from all of the chaos, my mom brought us from Doncaster, England to Pennsylvania. Stupid, stupid Pennsylvania.

One of those 'You have now entered (enter city name here)' signs flew past and my mum eased her foot off the accelerator pedal. We had entered Huntington. (Fake town guys!!)

"Things will be better this year ,Hun." She said patting my leg with one hand and steering with the other.

I ignored her. But deep down I knew she was right. I mean who knows maybe I'll find a pack that isn't two times my age.

Our beat up old car crept up the streets and pulled into a thin mile long driveway. Mum was smart picking something with a little distance from the town. Then people won't be able to hear the sounds of a wolf on the hunt

As we slowly progressed along the meandering dirt pathway, my mum tried sparking up another conversation.

"If you want we can go into town and you can meet some of the people around here. It's a small town not very big so it'd do well to know them." She tried to encourage me.

"And if not we can just go get you registered at the school then go get something to eat."

We finally pulled up to the old farmhouse secluded by bunches of trees. It was actually quite beautiful. I got out and walked around the front of the car, leaning on the hood.

"I vote for option two." I said keeping my eyes on the house. She came up beside me. Her arms were crossed and she sighed. She wasn't exactly thrilled that I had chosen option two. The antisocial answer. For the past 12 years of my life I've made antisocial choices. So I think she's tired of her only daughter being at home all the time. Her silence broke me.

"But then maybe after the food we could go shopping of the house. It looks pretty sad." She perked up a bit when I said that. I really didn't want to do it but I did wan to make her happy.

"Get your stuff into the house then we'll leave." She said with a huge smile on her face. I did what she asked and before I knew it I was sitting in the car again on my way to my new school. Aka future doom.

I rested my head on the window. Same position I've been sitting in since the airport. My mom turned on the radio in hopes it would drown out the awkward silence filling the car. It wasn't even a good song. Well I mean just not my genre. I give Kesha credit though. She's okay. Just not my type.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to, dear." She said looking at me with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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